Bariatric Buddy
Plans for Monday, busy day in store
Time to dedicate yourself to yourself. Motto for the next few weeks and then a lifetime. Meeting for the usual monday chat session this evening.
I plan to get in a walk on the treadmill, followed by a swim and then my treat of a soak in the hot tub to stretch and relax. Part of the day will be organizing my fabric stash, getting closer to done, then I can start to work on making quilts again. So happy to have my quilt space shaping up.
Rounding the day out with the bariatric buddy chat session, I enjoy visiting with my buddies here. Caring and sharing time is a coming. Shortcut to the session is................
We start at 7pm eastern, 6pm central, 5pm mountain and 4pm pacific. Entrance shortcut is . You may need to update your JAVA if having trouble getting into the chat room. Keep trying. Chat usually lasts about an hour. Any questions, send a PM to KathyB4me, here at OH. I plan to be there. See (or rather chat with) you this evening. Hugs, Kathy
I plan to get in a walk on the treadmill, followed by a swim and then my treat of a soak in the hot tub to stretch and relax. Part of the day will be organizing my fabric stash, getting closer to done, then I can start to work on making quilts again. So happy to have my quilt space shaping up.
Rounding the day out with the bariatric buddy chat session, I enjoy visiting with my buddies here. Caring and sharing time is a coming. Shortcut to the session is................
We start at 7pm eastern, 6pm central, 5pm mountain and 4pm pacific. Entrance shortcut is . You may need to update your JAVA if having trouble getting into the chat room. Keep trying. Chat usually lasts about an hour. Any questions, send a PM to KathyB4me, here at OH. I plan to be there. See (or rather chat with) you this evening. Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Time to report on my plans for the day. Drove to Duluth to run errands, got a replacement light fixture for the one Dennis broke. Stopped by the gym, 30 min on the treadmill. Swam for 30 min at the Y then, a short stop in the hot tub. Chat this evening was great, a lively group was present. Good combination of pre-op and post-op folks. All goals for the day accomplished.
Hope everyone if putting themself in the primary position. Take good care of yourselves. Hugs
Hope everyone if putting themself in the primary position. Take good care of yourselves. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group