Bariatric Buddy
Got back into the swing of exercise yesterday
I noticed that I have water wings (like batwings on upper arms) on my thighs. Sat in the hot tub for a little while to stretch and relax. The jet from the hot tub hit the loose skin on my thigh and the skin and underlying fat vibrated in the jet stream. Very odd sensation. I wish I could just use a magic wand to make the loose skin and remaining fat disappear. But, not equiped with one, I plan to continue to exercise and tone and ???? maybe, one of these days/years, have something done about the other excess.
I realize that I spent waaaay to many hours at work during the last couple of weeks. Work started kidding with me that I was in a plural marriage. Husband is Dennis and 'wife' is work. This is not what I planned. Time to dedicate myself to myself. Starting today.
Have a great rest of the weekend everyone. Hugs
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Planning another trip to the gym when Dennis gets home from work this afternoon. Got my bottle of crystal light already prepared to take along.

Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Dani’s right, you hit it dead on with ‘time to dedicate myself to myself’. It will mean different things to different people, but what an excellent challenge. Starting today it’s time to dedicate myself to myself.
Let's do this. The hardest part of exercising is to simply put one foot in front of the other and DO IT.
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

I too am in the "dedicate myself to myself" mode.. Kathy.. you should post this as an independant topic and invite others to join in on it and encourage discussion as the month elapses. Thats a lot of what going back to school is about.
I am glad to see you write that too. I love ya and want this for you! I am always giving you grief about learning to say NO to work.. but we have to have a balance. I know your unit was short 2 nurses for a while. Glad they'll be returning. Will help reduce the calls you get. Ya get one shot at this wild and crazy thing called it to the fullest!
Man I love that cute little face next to mine in my
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
For me the flip side of that was allowing myself time to be sick without feeling guilty about not going to the gym. Choosing to exercise was better than not moving at all and healthier for me than doing a strenuous work out. More than that, I actually felt good about moving my body for an hour, even though I didn’t break a sweat. Maybe I’m deluding myself, but that feels like progress to me.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone.