Bariatric Buddy
10 days post-op
I came home from the hospital on 1/13. The surgery and recover has been easier than expected. The one problem was that I felt like I was in a daze until yesterday. Body was fine, but brain would'nt work. Thank God for my sister who has been the best helper ever. Getting my protein and water in okay. My downfall so far is lack of excercise. Need to get busy on that.
I think 2 surgeries in 6 weeks may have been too much for me to handle. Both surgeons were fine w/ it. And I seemed well at the time. Live and learn! Mag P. RNY 1/11/11 Dr. Burpee
I came home from the hospital on 1/13. The surgery and recover has been easier than expected. The one problem was that I felt like I was in a daze until yesterday. Body was fine, but brain would'nt work. Thank God for my sister who has been the best helper ever. Getting my protein and water in okay. My downfall so far is lack of excercise. Need to get busy on that.
I think 2 surgeries in 6 weeks may have been too much for me to handle. Both surgeons were fine w/ it. And I seemed well at the time. Live and learn! Mag P. RNY 1/11/11 Dr. Burpee
No doubt 2 surgeries in 6 weeks will set you back a bit. Hang in there, and it will continue to improve. Try to do lots of reading. Believe it or not, it can stimulate the mind and get the fog moving out. It is likely anesthesia fog.
Do get in at least 4 short walks a day, if not more. Not around the block or anything, but say 5 minutes at a slow pace. Don't want blood clots forming.
Best of luck. Take good care! Keep us posted on how you are
Do get in at least 4 short walks a day, if not more. Not around the block or anything, but say 5 minutes at a slow pace. Don't want blood clots forming.
Best of luck. Take good care! Keep us posted on how you are
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
glad surgery went well for you. I understand about the fog.. Had it as well for about the first week. I am 3 weeks out. I am finding that i have been slacking on the protein and I am now wondering if that is the reason why I have been so tired and unable to do much. So I am aiming at getting it all in starting today. Will see how my energy level is affected. Get you some small walks in... nothing real strenuous but enough activity to keep from getting blood clots....
Wow Mag, that is a lot for a body to handle. Do your best, the fog will lift and life will resume. Know that we are rooting for your successssssss. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

I felt like that for a month after I was sleeved. I felt like I couldn't concentrate on anything important. I'm glad I left my bills paid and everything accounted/arranged for. I asked my psychologist and he said it's in the mind more than it is physical. Maybe it's us trying to deal with the shock of the surgery and all the feelings. I hope you feel better!