Bariatric Buddy
gaining weight???
Relax... it is going to be ok... you are getting to the stage where fluctuation can happen and isn't uncommon. You still have lots of time to lose. It could be you are holding fluids. Also assess if you have significantly changed anything. Less water in? Less protein in? significantly more food in or less food in? Change in types of foods, exercise slowing down? aNY OF THESE CAN HAVE AN EFFECT IN THIS AREA. (oops sorry for cap locks) Hang in there, be sure you are doing the right things and this too shall pass. There are lots of frustrating phases to this journey.
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Congrats Gilda, you have lost an amazing amount for 5 months out. Patrece read my mind, posted it too, lol. Allow the moment or two for your body to adjust to all these changes that have happened and you will soon be on the downward slope again. In the big view of things, you are getting where you want to be. Take a few deep breaths and weigh again next week. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Holy cow 142 lbs. in just 5 months!!! HOOOORAY FOR YOU!! I'm sure any gain is very frustrating along this process, but the body does fluctuate 2 lbs. per day and I think that is for a normal weight person. For those of us with more to love, I bet our weight fluctuates even more on a daily basis! I would imagine it's probably just a slight adjustment on your body's part and you'll lose that plus more by the next time you weigh.
Hang in there!!
Hang in there!!