Bariatric Buddy

father died

vickie O.
on 8/25/10 1:02 pm - amarillo, TX
sorry i haven't been around to offer support to one and all.  my father has been very sick for quite a whild and i have been taking care of him.  the last two weeks were the hardest. we had him on hhospice at home.  how i am trying to get their affairs in order and get me and my husband moved over here.  mom is not capable to take care of herself.  we are going to give it two months and see how it goes.  she might with up in a home for assisted living, but i hope not. this is when families should still together.  hope u are all doing well.  take care one and all. love, vick



Patrece S.
on 8/25/10 3:31 pm - CO
Ahhhh Vick.... ((((HUGS)))). You are on my mind so very much these days. I have been wondering what has been happening. I have missed you, but understand completely your absence from the group. I am so very very sorry for your loss. And for all of the changes and decisions you will now be facing as well. This must be so very difficult a time for you. I hope your husband is doing better. Please know I love you and care very dearly about you. I am here for you alwaysssssssss.
Love and big hugs to you. Please take care of you Vick. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you through this time.

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

vickie O.
on 8/28/10 2:00 am - amarillo, TX
how are u and paul doing?  hope all is well.  i do know that you care, and i appreciate that.  it seems kind of hard to get leveled out emotionally and physically after all the nursing of a loved one and then his death.  now my mom needs help.  she just can't stay alone. part of me wishes she would go to assissted living, but the true me wants us to stay here and work it out because i owe it to her.  i had soooooooo many issues to work through about my parents, so many scars were left and now i am getting a crash course.  forgiveness in motion.  i'm glad for the chance to make it up to my parents for harboring so may grudges against them.  take care of yourself. love, vick



Patrece S.
on 8/29/10 12:34 am - CO
Hey Vick! I am doing pretty well. Had a hystrerectomy and am now living without constant pain and cycles..YEAY! Paul..well.. he has his bad days still alot, but now and then has a better day.

It is going to take some time to get leveled back out for you Vick. You have to heal from the loss, and adjust to all of these changes you are now facing. And the "forgiveness in motion" (love that title by the way) is a big big process, and deeply emotional. You are a great person. Many never even try to forgive / mend relationships because its too much internal effort. I know you strugle through this process, its very hard. I did i with my mother. But you have the ultimate gift of not having to live forever with the regrets of never having done so.

I know for me, when I learned to forgive my own mother for all I had endured due to her, it brought me a lot of personal healing and has helped me be able to open up better to others to learn to love and trust more. Ahh the scars aren't pretty, but they will now begin to fade as you heal fom being able to forgive.

All my love to you lady. Your father was so very lucky to have you there for him.

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Kathy B.
on 8/27/10 4:05 pm - Virginia, MN
Vick, you have been on my thoughts for the last few weeks.  I am so sorry for your loss.  Know that I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.  Keep me up to date on how things are going for you.  Sending love and hugs your way.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

vickie O.
on 8/28/10 1:54 am - amarillo, TX
kathy, so what is up girl friend. hope u are doing well. thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers. love ua. vick



Kathy B.
on 8/28/10 3:46 am - Virginia, MN
Thanks for sharing you loss, I feel for you and your family.  Mega hugs headed your way.  I pray that your life levels out and we see (or read) more from you again. 

I am doing well.  One year surgiversay for me is next year, hard to believe that the year has slipped on by so quickly.  All the wonderful folks that I have had contact with here on bariatric buddy group and on OH.  I am working my tool, taking this one day at a time.  Dennis and I are planning to have our garage moved and putting up a double stalled one with a studio for my quilting in the upper level.  I can't wait for space to spread out and create.

Do get back into your painting, artistic release is needed for both of us.  Mega hugs for you from MN.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group


Patrece S.
Group Leader

Kathy B.
Co- Leader