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VSG 84 hours out - when will the pain end?

on 8/19/10 12:05 pm - Clarksburg, MD
Hello everyone,

I am sure that there will be pain - I just had the VSG on Monday.  I have stomach pain, though, at the incision sites when I walk around.  For how many days can I expect that?

I am taking dilaudid (2mg) and it should be every four to six hours.  I am doing every four hours and at two-and-a-half hours out, I already have pain.  

Thank you for any "just got home" advice - I could use it, please .

Patrece S.
on 8/19/10 2:57 pm - CO
You should start noticing the pain decreasing a bit each day. whenb walking try to hold your sore spots to help support them. I had to do this. You may need to walk a bit more gently and slowly. I know for me when I walked, my belly giggled, and that pulled at the incision sites causing pain. holding the areas with my hands to keep em from giggling, helped alot. Within a 2 week period from when you had surgery, most of that pain will be gone. Just use caution and don't over do it.

You don't have fevers or redness around the incision sites right? if so go see the doc. If not...hang in there it's just healing time you need. You will wake up one day soon and find the pain is much better. I know I felt like a new person around 2 weeks out.

Hoping your pain eases quickly. Please rest plenty! overdoing things will definately slow the healing


Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Patrece S.
on 8/19/10 2:58 pm - CO
One other thought... if you are taking your pain meds every 4 hours and pain is retuning after 2.5, try occassionally supplementing with some tylenol 2 hours after the pain meds, to carry you through. I had to do this for a couple of days. NO ibuprofen tho..

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Kathy B.
on 8/19/10 6:44 pm - Virginia, MN
Jeannie, no additional words of wisdome, Patrece already read my mind. It is nice to have a friend who does this for you. lol

The pain should ease off quickly. Splint the sore areas with your hand, or hug a small pillow to the spot when you are extra sore. I notices a pain, not really in one of my incisions, but a couple of inches below the incision, on my left side for longer than the other incisions. By a couple of weeks out, I was just needing an occassional dose of tylenol.

Everyone responds differently to surgery and pain. Alternate activity and rest. Hugs for healing.
on 8/20/10 3:04 am - Clarksburg, MD
Thank you both for your support.  I really needed to hear it - I just wasn't sure what to expect.  I ididn't know if it was now the time for girdles and getting over it - or if I could rest a bit more. I DO feel better today and my surgeon says I could use some Percocet I had in the medecine cabinet - which makes me sleepy, but does mask more of the pain.

Thank you for your wisdom, both of you - Patrece and Kathy B.  I am so lucky to have found this group.

Merci, merci and merci,

Patrece S.
on 8/21/10 4:43 am - CO
So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better today!

That spot Kathy mentioned, that isn't an incision site but was tender longer than the incisional areas...well I referred to that as my invisable boo-boo... lol  What that is, is where they had to STRETCHHHHHHHHHHH OUTTTTTTT your abdominal wall (muscles) to get in there and do their thing. Muscles take longer than most anything else to heal.. So if you experience this feeling.. you know what it is and not to worry.

Hugs to you! Keep on getting better!

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Patrece S.
Group Leader

Kathy B.
Co- Leader