Bariatric Buddy
using toddler silverware??
i bought some for post op to start learning...and of course afterwards when i can feel that bite....I can not wait to use it....I had surg on 1st. Also, bought the good sippy cups so my cup can lay where i lay and fall in bed if i need to...because i have figured out the 64oz hard...and you have to sip sip sip....and I am a big baby and do not care about being outside or anything...i keep my cup and i keep track....and bonus something funny...I LUV TINKERBELL so I have tink cups, utensils, even lil bowls and plates....SMILES
I fully believe in the power of these "baby spoons" etc, especially early out. Once eating smaller bites and slower get to be more of a habit, you can use anything and still do well. And as kathy said.. a biggie is making sure you put your utensil down between each bite! This is a big help to not over filling yourself.
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
I'm with ledaizy - I really decided to use what I'll use the rest of my life - grown up table ware, but I also agree with what someone else said - DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!
I use smaller plates, but I have done that in the past, too. I do take small bites and I do try to remember to set the spoon or fork down between bites. When I east something dense (like meat) I count 30 chews, even still!
I use smaller plates, but I have done that in the past, too. I do take small bites and I do try to remember to set the spoon or fork down between bites. When I east something dense (like meat) I count 30 chews, even still!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...