Bariatric Buddy
Almost 6 weeks post op - so many thoughts in the head
It has been awhile since I posted. Today so many things have gone through my head. Almost 6 weeks and 33 lbs down - what a great feeling and people are starting to comment that I look great. I feel pretty good, being back at work full time starting this week I am pretty tired by the time the day is done. Then another thought popped in too, it had to do with how much I am now eating. Merely a few bites compared to what I use to eat. For a brief moment I was sad and then I wasn't anymore. What a wonderful thing I have decided to do for myself to become healthier. Taking half of the blood pressure meds I use to take, a 5 mg tablet in the morning only of glipizide for the diabetes and so much more energy even in the heat we have had. I use to so enjoy eating, and now I have to make sure that what I am eating is healthy and tasty. I am waiting for a cook book I bought on line from Barnes & Noble and will have to search websites/blogs like Eggface to good healthy recipes. Just wanted to share and let those that are almost to their surgery date that it is well worth it and be patient with yourself the first few weeks afterwards. God Bless!!
Congrats Cindy! isn't it amazing how for just a bit, we can actually mourn the loss of our food friend. But it is such a good thing t go through and move beyond. Great job! Kee up the good work!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!