Bariatric Buddy
Just my luck, busted sutures
Well I just came back from the E.R. At 6 last night ( tuesday) I was sitting in my recliner and when I got up my daughter said "mam you are bleeding" I still didn't realize until I felt something cold against me, when I looked down my nighty was covered in blood. Imade my room mate take me to the E.R immediately and alas I had to sit there for 5.5 hours b4 anyone saw me. The large incision, the one they put the stapler through had busted open and was oozing nasty smelling stuff:( The E.R. doc called my surgern and seeing I have an appointment with him tomorrow the only thing she did was pack the open wound with whatever and put tape over it.. so now I am still bleeding and still in a lot of pain.. Just my luck...
Ohhhhhhh my gosh! I wonder how on earth it opened, unless maybe it did so due to infection??? (you mentioned a nasty smell) I am a bit suprised that your surgeon wasn't willing to take the time to come to the ER and see to your needs then. It must not be hugely concerning to them.
I am soooo sooo sorry to hear you are going through this. I am sure your wls doc will get you all fixed up tomorrow. So sorry youhave to be packed until then.. I know that can be painful. PLEASE post to us and let us know what happens with your wls visit and how you are doing. I will hold you in my thougts and prayers and be waiting to hear how everything is!
I am soooo sooo sorry to hear you are going through this. I am sure your wls doc will get you all fixed up tomorrow. So sorry youhave to be packed until then.. I know that can be painful. PLEASE post to us and let us know what happens with your wls visit and how you are doing. I will hold you in my thougts and prayers and be waiting to hear how everything is!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
So sorry that your daughter had to see mom bleeding. Hope they get you fixed up real quick. Sounds like it was good that you leaked, since the odor was nasty. Praying for a quick resolution for you. Come share what the surgeon had to say. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
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