Bariatric Buddy

update on linda

vickie O.
on 3/30/10 7:24 am - amarillo, TX

i had called linda and her mother this morning and got no answer from both of them.

linda called at 4:10 and she is doing ok. her urine is cloudy and she is dehydrated, but the hospital is the place to be when those things are going on.

she didn't get into surgery until after 6 pm last night and she had to be at the hospital at 9 am.  talk about a long wait.

she is up walking around the nurses station. she can't drink yet but is eating ice chips.

she had to have the open version not laproscopic. i had to have that kind also and it does make you hurt more but she says it is tolerable.

when she gets out of the room she is in now and into a regular room she will get the hospital name and room number and phone number to me and i will post. she would love to have some people phone her.

she was happy to hear that people were thinking about her because i had passed on your well wishes.

i will advise later on. may be tomorrow before you hear from me again on this.




Patrece S.
on 3/30/10 8:23 am - CO
Thanks so much Vick for the update! Sounds like aside from fluid inatke ability, she is doing well! Tell her I couldn't drink water right after but could tolorate sips of cryastal light... not sure why. Also tell her to request some sugar free popsicles.

YEAYYYYY Linda... welcome to the losers bench girl! You have waited so long to join us here!

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

on 3/30/10 10:49 pm - Miamisburg, OH
Please let Linda know I am thinking of her and wishing her a speedy recovery.  Get plenty of rest in between the walking and sipping.
We must let go of what was if we are going to embrace what is !                                
Kathy B.
on 3/31/10 12:06 am - Virginia, MN
Many hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery Linda.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group


Patrece S.
Group Leader

Kathy B.
Co- Leader