Bariatric Buddy
Monday morning check in
Good morning to all.
I am sitting here with my coffee watching it snow. We are currently under a winter weather warning as they are predicting about 8 inches for us today.
I had a pretty peaceful weekend. I finished the robe I started in my sewing class yesterday. I made a few mistakes but now I know better what to do the next time. At my quilting class last week I got almost all of my cutting done and am going to attempt to start putting it together today. The class for the robe was supposed to be two sessions but since I finished it I'll get either an extra class for the quilt or a session to work with something of my choice. They don't have much good coming up for the next two months so I'll be doing a lot of practicing on my own and start making things for my craft sales.
My food was terrible yesterday. I didn't go over my calories but I grazed most of the day. I made a sandwich about 9 PM and ended up throwing it up. This morning I had breakfast which was 2 oz. lean ham and 1/2 cup Egg beaters. I was only able to eat about half of it. The last two weeks my pouch gets tender if I eat anything that isn't "slider" food, but this morning even the Egg beaters aren't sitting too well. Not sure what the problem is but I am grateful that I'm unable to eat quantities of anything. I made a goal that I would get to 200 pounds by the end of the month. I'm not sure I can do it, but going to try. I don't know how it happened but I gained a pound. Not getting upset about it, but it was a bit of a surprise.
Well that's it for me; I'll shut up now. I hope everybody has a great day.
I am sitting here with my coffee watching it snow. We are currently under a winter weather warning as they are predicting about 8 inches for us today.
I had a pretty peaceful weekend. I finished the robe I started in my sewing class yesterday. I made a few mistakes but now I know better what to do the next time. At my quilting class last week I got almost all of my cutting done and am going to attempt to start putting it together today. The class for the robe was supposed to be two sessions but since I finished it I'll get either an extra class for the quilt or a session to work with something of my choice. They don't have much good coming up for the next two months so I'll be doing a lot of practicing on my own and start making things for my craft sales.
My food was terrible yesterday. I didn't go over my calories but I grazed most of the day. I made a sandwich about 9 PM and ended up throwing it up. This morning I had breakfast which was 2 oz. lean ham and 1/2 cup Egg beaters. I was only able to eat about half of it. The last two weeks my pouch gets tender if I eat anything that isn't "slider" food, but this morning even the Egg beaters aren't sitting too well. Not sure what the problem is but I am grateful that I'm unable to eat quantities of anything. I made a goal that I would get to 200 pounds by the end of the month. I'm not sure I can do it, but going to try. I don't know how it happened but I gained a pound. Not getting upset about it, but it was a bit of a surprise.
Well that's it for me; I'll shut up now. I hope everybody has a great day.
Hello Colleen and everyone.
It's early afternoon already here, another dreary winter day. I have a terrible cold, NOT what I needed right now. My stomach and head feel woozy, possibly a cold symptom and I haven't been able to keep much down, except for tea. I tried to eat some super-minced chicken salad for lunch but I gave up after the third bite. In short, I'm miserable!
I hope the rest of you are having a better day than me and you are all out there, enjoying life!
It's early afternoon already here, another dreary winter day. I have a terrible cold, NOT what I needed right now. My stomach and head feel woozy, possibly a cold symptom and I haven't been able to keep much down, except for tea. I tried to eat some super-minced chicken salad for lunch but I gave up after the third bite. In short, I'm miserable!
I hope the rest of you are having a better day than me and you are all out there, enjoying life!
Hi Amalia, you early afternoon is my just getting off work and getting ready for bed.
Please call you MD about the way you are feeling, you should be getting better, maybe there is something that can be done. Keep trying to get in your liquids and protein. Hugs
Please call you MD about the way you are feeling, you should be getting better, maybe there is something that can be done. Keep trying to get in your liquids and protein. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Hoping and praying you get well fast! Hang in there girl. Love ya!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Enjoy any sewing time you get Colleen. Take care with the food options. Heading for bed in a couple minutes.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Good morning everybody. Must be Monday blues or something. I'm not feeling so great today either. No energy and lots of soreness in left side. I think I'm somewhat dehydrated too, not nearly enough to drink yesterday. I'll just have to work harder today to get it all in! At least it is another beautiful day and maybe I can get outside for little while. It's supposed to turn really cold again later in the week. Sure be glad when spring gets here! Take care everyone!
Hey all!
Colleen, I sure hope you begin to feel better very soon. Often after vomitting, your pouch will be very sensative for a day or two, so eat very soft and gentle foods. I have many time now that eggs do not sit right. Once in a while they are fine, but more often than not, they feel like someone poured cement in my tummy. I did an experiment one day. I made a fried egg. I ate the yolk first. Went fine. Then I tried the white, instant cement in the tummy feeling. But sometimes they are ok...go figure!
So glad you are having fun with your sewing classes. Kathy got me hooked on sewing again when I was out there seeing her. I even ended up getting an embroidery machine. It does awesome stuff! I will be picking it up tomorrow. It came in while I was having surgery. I did take a class on it though before I left to have surgery and it was awesome! I can see i will be having a ball making some summer tops for myself and my grand kids. The first Saturday in march, I will be attending a 3 1/2 hour demo class on the embroidery machine. Am looking forward to that and hoping i feel muchly better by then.
Take it easy on your pouch for today and play it by ear tomorrow. The vomitting is very hard on our little pouches.
Everyone else, I sure hope you are all feeling better very soon as well. It is horrible to feel sick so soon after surgery. Pamper your pouch by eating gentle foods, and get lots of rest. drink tha****er! Well, actually sip it.
I too am feeling a bit blah today. Woke up with a BAD case of the scoots, and oh I mean bad. The cramps were unreal, and just added to the pain I am already having. Didn't need this, but got it anyhow. It seems to have subsided now, but my abdomen remains tender.
Colleen, I sure hope you begin to feel better very soon. Often after vomitting, your pouch will be very sensative for a day or two, so eat very soft and gentle foods. I have many time now that eggs do not sit right. Once in a while they are fine, but more often than not, they feel like someone poured cement in my tummy. I did an experiment one day. I made a fried egg. I ate the yolk first. Went fine. Then I tried the white, instant cement in the tummy feeling. But sometimes they are ok...go figure!
So glad you are having fun with your sewing classes. Kathy got me hooked on sewing again when I was out there seeing her. I even ended up getting an embroidery machine. It does awesome stuff! I will be picking it up tomorrow. It came in while I was having surgery. I did take a class on it though before I left to have surgery and it was awesome! I can see i will be having a ball making some summer tops for myself and my grand kids. The first Saturday in march, I will be attending a 3 1/2 hour demo class on the embroidery machine. Am looking forward to that and hoping i feel muchly better by then.
Take it easy on your pouch for today and play it by ear tomorrow. The vomitting is very hard on our little pouches.
Everyone else, I sure hope you are all feeling better very soon as well. It is horrible to feel sick so soon after surgery. Pamper your pouch by eating gentle foods, and get lots of rest. drink tha****er! Well, actually sip it.
I too am feeling a bit blah today. Woke up with a BAD case of the scoots, and oh I mean bad. The cramps were unreal, and just added to the pain I am already having. Didn't need this, but got it anyhow. It seems to have subsided now, but my abdomen remains tender.
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Oh I wanted to add that the weight gain.. it is almost certainly water weight. If you do not drink enough water, your body will hang on to all it can. Also with the vomitting, that may have triggered your body to hold some fluids too. Drink plenty than your body will feel safer in letting go of it.
Good luck on reaching your month end goal, but don't beat yourself up if you don't make it. You are doing awesome!
Good luck on reaching your month end goal, but don't beat yourself up if you don't make it. You are doing awesome!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
I know I've said this before but it's certainly worth repeating. I just love this group and the people in it. I do belong to two other groups but they just don't compare to Bariatric Buddies here on OH. Anybody who has joined this group and is not posting is truly missing out on wonderful support, which we all need.
I am feeling a little better this evening and I hope that the "blahs" hurry up and leave you all. Didn't do any sewing today; I spent a good portion of the day in the kitchen cooking an old family favorite that is mostly pouch friendly and isn't causing me any trouble at the moment. Hubby didn't want dinner at first but then ended up going back for seconds as did my mom so I don't feel like I wasted the day. I'm glad that they enjoyed it.
I am feeling a little better this evening and I hope that the "blahs" hurry up and leave you all. Didn't do any sewing today; I spent a good portion of the day in the kitchen cooking an old family favorite that is mostly pouch friendly and isn't causing me any trouble at the moment. Hubby didn't want dinner at first but then ended up going back for seconds as did my mom so I don't feel like I wasted the day. I'm glad that they enjoyed it.