Bariatric Buddy

Groups » Bariatric Buddy » Discussion » smoking...exercise....


Patrece S.
on 1/23/10 10:23 am - CO
Thanks Tina! I am going to succeed..I have to. I need to be healthy for my surgery, and live long enough to enjoy the benefits of it right? lol.
Congrats on you quitting. Yes you are so right it is so very hard. I took chantix in the past to quit, and never noticed a difference while taking it. I was told by my doc it doesn't work for everyone, and it figures I was one that it did not work for. I keep telling myself, I am a human with a brain. How can some rolled up leaves and chemicals be stronger than I am?
Its funny, until you give them up, you don't realize how much time smoking uses of your day, especially if yu do not allow yourself to smoke freely in the home, which I did not.

You keep up the great effort of quitting smoking!
How are you feeling Tina, I know you had your surgery recently right? Hope all is going great for you!

Thanks for the support and encouragement.

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Patrece S.
Group Leader

Kathy B.
Co- Leader