Bariatric Buddy
Plans for the Thanksgiving Holiday
1. Work night shift and be thankful that I have a job.
2. Sleep in the morning, at least part of it.
3. Go out for the holiday meal with my husband and inlaws. Thankful that neither of us is going nuts cleaning house, no leftovers to deal with either, well, I may have a take out box from my meal for hubby to snack on.
4. Take the dogs for a nice walk, thankful for the lack of snow here up north in MN.
5. Take time to reflect on all things that I am thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Take care, Kathy
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
i normaly work 7 a -3p tuesday through saturday so my days or normal i guess
i have my youngest son ( he is 18) wwith my on the wekends so i do cook a little on the weekends
i have trying to do better about my eating habits no i dont cook much when i am alone i have bought a small george forman grill i love it i can cook a chicken breast real fast on it and then i have salids and a side of rice most of the time
Ohhh Mark! That is not right! If you lived closer I'd insist you come to my place and spend it with us! So sorry you will be alone for the holiday. I will hold you in my heart!
Kathy, sounds like you have a very nice full day planned for yourself. I hope you really enjoy your Thanksgiving, even tho it may differ from those in the past a bit.
My plans: My daughter and her BF, my son, his wife and my 2 grandbabies, then a couple that is friends with my son and his wife, then myself and my hubby...will be spending the holiday here, starting in the later afternoon. Candice and her BF are coming earlier so she can help me prepare dinner for everyone, and the pies are in the oven baking now.. (no not for me!)
I will be busy busy for sure! But enjoy family gatherings so much.
Happy Turkey day! Remember to count your blessings and give thanks
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Being able to just walk away from the table and not deal with dishes or leftovers was nice, relaxing. I had time to reflect on all the things that I am thankful for. The list is very, very long, not going to bore you with the pages and pages of things. Successful Thanksgiving day in my opinion. I am satisfied, relaxed and thankful.
Have the best weekend everyone. Do not overdo the shopping, if that is your thing in the morning. I will stay home to sleep after work and leave the fun to those who are so ready for the shopping.
I am so Blessed. Hugs, Kathy
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group