Bariatric Buddy

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Good Morning buddies!

Patrece S.
on 11/11/09 11:10 pm - CO
I hope that this day finds you all doing well and feeling positive. Remember to take even just a moment for YOU and nurture yourself. Recognize even the smallest of accomplishments you make as the day progresses and give yourself a pat on the back for them.

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Darlene G.
on 11/12/09 5:19 am
RNY on 02/09/10 with
 Good afternoon!

Several pats on the back:

1.  Nut. appt today, down almost 7 pounds in 3 weeks!  Next 2 appts 12/1 and 1/4, then it's time to wait on insurance!

2.  Typically after Nut. appt I would go to Burger King.  Not today, I went to KFC and got some boneless skinless chicken - and it was good!

3.  Lots of activity today.  Hubby leaves in the morning, so shopping, cooking, laundry and packing, instead of sitting HERE all day!

This weekend I am going to be bad, very bad!  So I'm being good until then!

Hope you're all having a wonderful day too!

 294/302.5/287/177.8/195/175 - consult/highest/surgery morn/now/dr goal/my goal
Patrece S.
on 11/12/09 12:24 pm - CO
Bad??? How so??? Will it be fun? LOL
Good job today!!!!!!! Keep it up gal! Congrats on the weight loss!!!!

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Kathy B.
on 11/12/09 8:41 am - Virginia, MN
We are on similar pages again today Patrece.  Cleaning papers off the desk and came across this.

It's not what happened, it's how you think about what happened

There is no objective way to tell you if you have had a good life, a good day, or a good hour.  Your life is a success based only upon your judgment.

A study was done recently in which people on opposite sides of an issue were given the same newspaper article to read.  The people were asked to read the article carefully and to offer their reaction.  On average, people said that they thought the article was biased - against their own position.  Obviously, it wasn't the content of the article that drove the reaction, but the perspective of the readers.  Life events have the same effect.  The same event can be seen positively, or it can be seen negatively.  It all depends upon your perspective.

Taken from the 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People by David Niven, Ph.D.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

on 11/12/09 9:15 am - New Britain, CT
Revision on 08/11/14
Having a very good post-op day today :)  I "graduated" to 1oz of cheerios for breakfast and did fine with it.  I'd prefer to do protein based foods only especially since I'm eating so little but the cereal was a nice change. 

Surprisingly for the past week, I've done a lot of cooking for the family.  I didn't think I could handle that, but it doesn't faze me at all.  I don't know why but my son sure appreciates the beef stew, homemade meatballs, and roasted chicken dinners!

Anyway- hope everyone has/had a great day :)
Patrece S.
on 11/12/09 12:28 pm - CO
Its great cooking for the family isn't hard on you. A definate plus! Keep up the great progress!

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Darlene G.
on 11/13/09 4:20 am
RNY on 02/09/10 with
 First, congrats fawnlori!  Glad to hear you're progressing well.  Also glad to hear you can cook and not be fazed.  I have found that one thing I need to work on is NOT grazing while cooking for the family.  Making improvements, but I still catch myself!

And Patrece - I have a "FUNction" I must attend this weekend.  It's not going to be WLS friendly, but it will be fun!  Since I am still pre-op I am going to cut myself some slack this weekend.  How much slack?  Time will tell - I gave myself permission  to be "bad" yesterday, but in the end I felt guilty thinking about it and did the "right" things anyway!  I guess sometimes guilt can be good!
 294/302.5/287/177.8/195/175 - consult/highest/surgery morn/now/dr goal/my goal
Patrece S.
on 11/13/09 11:03 am - CO
Ahhh gotcha! Well being pre-op you at least won't have to worry about dumping. You are very you will keep the slack from getting too far out of control I am sure.
Have fun and always remember food is about survival not socialization. So after surgery, make that a mantra and it'll be a bit easier to "just say nooooo"

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Patrece S.
Group Leader

Kathy B.
Co- Leader