Bariatric Buddy
Good Morning to all of my Buddies!
This made it sooo easy for me to actually have some "me" time. Uninterrupted by anyone or anything. Time to ease into my day this morning, instead of being faced with instant demands upon me, however small they may have been had others chosen to get up when I did.
When was the last time friends and extended family, those I care for deeply, took even just a few minutes to relax and escape all pressures. At a time and in a place where you were totally uninterrupted, and allowing your thoughts to just be free from stress, pressure and demands? I want to share with you all that our journey here is not just a physical one. It isn't all about just losing the weight, but it i about redefining who and what we are as well. Now I am not saying we are supposed to do a total transformation here, but our emotional and mental wellbeing is a big part of traveling this journey more successfully and peacefully. Taking some time to just "be in the moment" can really help sooth away our stress and worries and help set a nice tone to our day. For most of us, incorperating this kind of thing into our lives would be a huge transformation, and one that will serve us well in all aspects of our lives. friends, please try to take a moment to just be... allow yourself to set the tone for a calmer and smoother day, no matter what lays ahead for you today. You are all so worth it. It can really help to get you through the day in a much more pleasant tone. Have a wonderful day and take good care of you. Life is short right? We have to start making the most of each day we are blessed with.
Hugs to you all!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
So glad you got caught up on your rest, or at least got MORE caught up on it. You have so much to take care of right now. I hope all the appointments go well for you and your father the next couple of days. Keep me posted please on your wound progress! Try to have a good day today Vick!
Love ya!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Vick you take care of yourself, and keep us posted. Hope all goes well at your dads appointment today.
I am being delayed another three weeks here on finding out anything about a surgery date, I have to have a colonoscopy, and November 17th is the first available date for me to have one. So... I am off to a day of utter boredom again today, I may call my therapist and see what she is doing. Then this afternoon I reckon I will nap some. I get so bored here all day by myself lol.
Hope everyone else has a great day...
Just Meee aka Linda
Come join me in the Bariatric Buddy Group
Highest weight 406, Surgery weight 386, and now on the Losers Bench!
Hope you have a better day than it sounds like you are anticipating. Did you ever get the email I sent with my letterhead? I thought it would give you a good starting point. Maybe you could take the logo and somehow buttonize it with a heart around it? Then include the words Bariatric Buddy to the lower slight right of the logo image? That is, if you are still interested in playing with it for me.
Thanks, have a great day, and cheerup. Sounds like you are feeling a bit down. Why the scope first? are you having troubles?
Big hugs!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!