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Officially having a bad day!

Audean G.
on 10/18/09 10:06 pm - London, Canada
Okay I have not been up an hour and I am officially having a bad day!

Gonna dump here for a second, try and figure out what to do then do it!

I have 2 sick kids here, and if you remember my introduction, both are special needs. So when the kids get sick, everything is magnified. I have just woken up to my little ones budgie being dead in the bottom of the bird cage...... it is gonna  be a tuff day.....she is going to loose it like you would not believe.  My son will be better but he is going to be upset too. And to top it all off, I have my specialist appointment today at 1 p.m.! Yeah, now I need to figure out how I am going to do it all! GRRRRRR

I also got a call from my substitute/fill in teacher that she cant fill in for me this morning, I teach a sewing class at a church here. I have a group of about a dozen women that I am working with at the moment, so now I have to call them all and cancell, and let the secretary know so she does not drive all the way over for nothing to open up the hall for me..... grrrrrrrrrrrr when it rains it pours!

Add to that about 3 hours sleep and I am a mess!!!

Alright, time for coffee, deal with the bird first, then the phone calls, then call the schools to let them know kids will not be arriving......

I hate days like today, I just want to crawl back under my blankets and cry!!!
Patrece S.
on 10/18/09 11:25 pm - CO
Ohhh I am so sorry! Yes it does sound like you have quite a day ahead of you. I'm sorry abpout the birdie. Maybe you can remove some of the upset of the kids, by offering to replace it with a new one? Kids usually respond well to that in cases like birds and hampsters.
How old are your kids again? I do remember they are special needs, but cannot recall the ages.
Take a deep breath and release it, and along with it try to release some of your negative feelings, so you can relax mentally just a bit. Then just take it all one thing at a time, in order of importance. Not that it will be easy, but it will be a bit less stressful if you break it down into smaller more manageable tasks throughout the day.
Maybe you and the kids can get in a little nap later?
So sorry for your bad start to your day. My heart uis with you. Wish I were closer, I'd try to help you.

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

vickie O.
on 10/18/09 11:31 pm - amarillo, TX
so sorry about your bird.  i know how much it hurts, as an adult or child, so lose a pet.  when my parents tried to replace my dead dog with another too soon i was so mad at that dog and was mean to it.  they didn't give me a choice though.  good luck to you.  once u get the phone calls out of they way that will be a lot of stress off your shoulders and then it is just one foot in front of the other.  hope your day improves and try to get rest throughout the day when your kids are resting. vick



Audean G.
on 10/19/09 12:27 am - London, Canada
Thanks ladies for concern and support.... it is much appreciated! Things are more in control now than they were when I posted, I had just turned on the computer, sat down pulled up this site and looked up and saw the bird cage.... thought oh..... what is that noisy thing up to now.... oh, she isnt very noisy.... oh no!!! I hardly had been up for 5 min at that point.

Got all my calls done, told the kids, both very upset.... we need to have a funeral when daddy comes home so Jessie can be next to Phoebe (the ginuea pig that passed) in the back yard. That means daddy will have to move the tombstone (it says our beloved pet, my parents got it for the kids) dig a grave and then the difficulty really starts.  Oh I cant wait for daddy to call today.

As for the class, I didnt have to call all the ladies.... :) a girlfriend stepped up and offered to jump in and take over for me!!! I owe her a coffee first break the two of us get.

Sorry I dumped here this morning, I am usually not a dumper but it just got the better of me and you were right there.

My kids are 8 and 16. My daughter 8 has ADHD, and my son 16, has  Asberger's Syndrom also commonly thought of and refered to as Hight Functioning Autism. They are not quite the same things, but most people get the idea. With both of them not feeling well, their filters on emotions are not quite as strong as they might normally be and definitely not what yours or mine would be.  My daughter just cuddled me and cried then looked up at me with those eyes full of the cold and said "I am heart broken." If I wasnt before, I was at that moment too. We cuddled some more and so long as she could stay in my bed and watch tv, now the worst is over.  My son just cried and blames himself (his "job" to care for the birdie). He looked down on me and fell apart.  I feel so bad for him, he can be so difficult to comfort when he is like this. It will be several days before things settle back into some sort of normalacy for him.

Well once again, thanks for listening.  I hope you all have a much better start to your day than mine. Keep smiling and I will let you all know how meeting with doctor goes this afternoon.

on 10/19/09 1:48 am
Wow I'm sorry you had such a rough start to your day! It sounds like at least some of it has calmed down a little at least. So great that your friend could fill in for you at the church! And I'm so sorry about the birdie :( I hope your kids are ok.  Having a funeral for the little budgie is such a great idea and hopefully it will give them some sense of closure.  And I hope they're both feeling better soon, there is just so many germs going around it seems everyone is sick!

Hang in there...and vent anytime at all, that's what we are all here for!



Kathy B.
on 10/19/09 2:08 am - Virginia, MN
((((((((Hugs Percephone))))))  What is your first name?  I feel your struggles today.  Like Patrece said, take some deep cleansing breaths and let some anger go.  Wish I could relieve you for just 30 minutes so you could have some 'me' time.  If the kids are sleeping, go ahead and take the time for yourself.  Of course after arranging the rest of the day.

Go ahead and use us for the venting you so desperately need.  We are here for you.  Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group


Patrece S.
Group Leader

Kathy B.
Co- Leader