Bariatric Buddy
Good morning Buddies
It looks as if it might rain here in Arkansas again today... So my activities will possibly be limited to the inside. Maybe for the rest of the week according to the forecast.
I know the farmers ill be glad when it dries up, they have crops that need harvested.
So what is on your plate for today? I am going to have my usual yogurt, and ride the little stationary bike for a while.
And of course I will be doing lots of reading on OH as usual. Someone remind me to stay off the rants and raves board. Talk about DRAMA!!!

Everyone try to do a good deed today if you are out and it is possible.
Meanwhile... I hope this day is good to all!
Group Huggz,

Just Meee aka Linda
Come join me in the Bariatric Buddy Group
Highest weight 406, Surgery weight 386, and now on the Losers Bench!

I was up way too bright and early this morning. Our 16 year old son's alarm clock, that is in his bedroom in our basement, woke me up at 6AM!

Odd how it woke me up but not him! I had to go downstairs and bang on his door to wake him up. That kid - UGH! I couldn't get back to sleep after that so I started my day. Guess I'd better get used to it as I go back to work and getting up at 5AM (too) soon.

Anyway, after my oatmeal, I am headed to the garage to prepare for the garage sale that my sister and I are having on Friday and Saturday. I have tons of clothes to hang and price. It really could take me all day! But I doubt I will do it all day as it's cold in our garage. Plus, I'll probably want to take a nap before my family starts coming home this afternoon!

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Take care!
How is your recovery going? Garage sale sound like an idea. Glad it is you instead of me. My sister was the same way with her alarm clock when she was your sons age. Slept through lots at 16.
I grabbed a quick Carnation instant breakfast so I can get going. It is nice when that is a choice instead of a requirement. Take care, Hugs, Kathy
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

I will be holding me first support group meeting this evening at one of the local hospitals. I am excited, and a bit nervous, as this is my very first live group. I haven't had much luck in getting the word out on it much, but I do know 2 are coming for sure. So, thats a great thing. Need to work at getting the word out some more. My group will meet 2 times a month. I decided to do this after I have seen many comments by folks that wish thier groups met more than once a month. My group is free to all, and I do everything on a volunteer basis. I may look into getting sponsors later on, as the costs do add up to provide handouts, etc to the group. Please wish me luck in my first meeting!
You all have a great day! It is finally not grey and nasty outside, but still cool. I am just thankful for some sunshine again!
Hugs to all!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Have a great day, pedal miles away on the bike. I am headed out to run errands and get in some walking, parking farther from the door than I need, etc. It is another gray cloudy one here in northern MN. Good news, the snow from the last few days was light and is gone. Good, lots of fall yard work that needs to get done, of course, having the leaves fall off the trees will make the yard work possible.
I will be on the lookout for a good deed that needs to be done. Hugs, Kathy
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

I cant get to the comptr till always late at nite, no access to it before then. But wanted to say hello and wish you all a great evening.
We got hit with the big wind and rain storm here they had been predicting, we needed the rain but it was a storm for sure.
Patrece I wanted to wish you good luck tonite, I know you will do fine at your first meeting. After all reading about you and your positive responses to me were so warm and inviting and helpful, you will be great at this its your cup of tea.
I did sign up that nite we spoke but dont know if it the site has me as a new member??
Well ladies to all of you have a great week, I know JustMeee says maybe rain all week so many places need the rain, news just on saying snow in alot of states too. Mother Nature at its best and so early this year. (before Halloween) lol.
Well Im really trying to get positive and less stressed and freaked out about RNY date 11-17 its coming so fast. Im mentally trying to prepare for the fear of the unknown I hate being a baby.
Just want you all to know what a positive effect you are for me, I read about your eating and working out daily events and Im so xcited to get to that point where my body is able to really do exercises again etc.
Hugs 2all, MK
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group