Bariatric Buddy
Good Morning Buddies!
As for me... I am in the process of finishing up my preparations for my live support group that begins on Tuesday Oct 13th. I am really looking forward to it, but must admit am a bit nervous, as this will be the very first live group I have led. I am doing it all on a voluntary basis and have no assistant as of yet. I have been trained through OH and also through BSCI as support group leader, so that helps alot!
My husband and I are also buying a new home, and we are busy with all the stuff that goes along with that. We will be closing on the 21st of this month. I am very excited, as it is a larger home, with more property. Before we moved here, we lived on 10 acres. Here we have neighbors all around and very close. It is been a difficult adjustment. The new home has a little over an acre, and no one right on top of us. It is a little more rural and offers much more space. My dogs should be happier too, as they will have a much larger fenced in yard to play in. BUT along with tyhis, comes the work and stress of trying to get packed and ready for the move, which will be shortly after closing, since it is now vacant, so we do not have to wait for another family to move out of it. Moves are hard without hubby able to help.
We also have a duplex that we are preparing, so we can get it rented out as soon as possible. Then once thats all done.. i think I will be able to catch my breath a bit. you think I could borrow your dad for a while??? LOL
You all have a great day, and let me know whats happening in your end of the world!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
I have always hated moving and resetteling. It is stressful. But you are getting more room all the way around, I would love that.
I have been at my sisters for doctor appointments again. We changed PCP's, so shouldnt have to go to her house so much. The new doc is closer to my house.
I go on November 11, for an arthroscopy on my left shoulder, have some muscles tearing lose from rotator cuff, and he is gonna repair those too.
I am off and on phone trying to get last 2 papers faxed to Dr. Baker hope to get that done today. Keep your fingers crossed.
Group Huggz,

Just Meee aka Linda
Come join me in the Bariatric Buddy Group
Highest weight 406, Surgery weight 386, and now on the Losers Bench!

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!

So I figure it is time to get it fixed. The surgeons office said it would be ok to do that.
Just Meee aka Linda
Come join me in the Bariatric Buddy Group
Highest weight 406, Surgery weight 386, and now on the Losers Bench!

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
I will be there in spirit for your live support group. Just know that your assistant is just an email away. You will be great. I see that there are new tabs on the top of this page for becoming an OH leader.
Smooth sailing with the closing and the move. Dad is just a phone call away, he may just do that. You will need a lawn person with more acreage. Or at least a couple of goats, lol. I understand completely on the wanting more space thing. Our neighbors are very close space wise too.
I slept in late today, lots of driving again yesterday, not as much a last week. I fit into a smaller size pant, got 2 pair that fit nice. Time to toss some of the older ones, I see closet cleaning in order for the weekend. Planning to go to the gym and take the dogs for a walk today, the rest of the day is for finishing unpacking and downloading photos from the camera.
Hugs, Kathy
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Congrats on the new house! If I was closer I would loan out my boys to you to help you move. They are good at moving boxes and things. I know it is nice to have room to roam and not have someone on top of you. I live out in the country on 45 acres. Of course I don't have to take care of all of it, it is leased out. Thank goodness! But next year I think I might have to farm a little bit of it, if I get a wild hair and get some livestock again. That is what my Dad did for a living, and I know he misses it all. That is only if I get that wild hair! lol I do know that my dogs like having the room to run, all 5 of them, and my kids do as well, and don't have to worry about too much traffic where I am, which is nice.
Have a good day, I will be heading to my support group that is local today. We only meet once a month, wi**** was more often.
Hugs and love to you and Paul!
(I can remember your husbands name for that is my husbands name

Charlotte, I hope your father is improving, and you are holding up better. remember...we are here for ya! Paul... a nice
Hugs and love to you gals!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!