Bariatric Buddy
Kathy's trip
I copied this from my entry on my own page, what I have been up to during my MIA time. We had fun. I am back and into the swing of things here again. Glad to see everyone here on the buddies site. Missed you all. Nice to have the normal computer I am used to how it works. I haven't downloaded any of my photos yet, I will work on that later tonight, other things that just have to get done first.
Hugs to everyone, Kathy
Wow, hard to believe I got so much in on 11 days away. First of all, felt like a real vacation, not one of those where you take time off work ans still work on things around the house. Getting away from it all was the best for me.
I packed up my bags and a suitcase for the two dogs and headed south to Maynard, MN on Sept. 25th to my dad's place. The dogs suitcase consisted of a couple of old towels, just in case they got yucky in a puddle or something. They find the nastiest things to roll around in. I also put their food and water bowls, food, treats and brushes in there. Tucked their kennel and all the bags into the rear of my Escape and we were 'One the road'. 285 miles on day 1 just to get to dad's place. Dad and I have planned to go to a family reunion in southern MN on the 26th and take off mid afternoon from there and travel south. The goal was to get to Pueblo West, CO in as short a time as possible to get in my visit with Patrece and Paul. We traveled south to Kansas City, got on Interstate 70 heading west and alternated drivers through the night. We arrived to our destination in CO early Sunday morning, around 9 am, is my best guess. Surprised Patrece by calling her for directions from the driveway of her house. Felt so nice to finally meet her. We have been communicating by email and phone, now face to face. What a great couple, Paul and Patrece. Dad and I stopped every 90 minutes or so along the way to let the dogs out and stretch our legs. Got a case of sore bottom from all the time in a car seat, the walks felt good.
We spent time at Patrece's until she had to leave to go to a retreat. It was fun getting to know them and doing a little traveling around in southern CO. We went to the Grand Gorge one day, traveled on the little train to a scenic overlook, and continued on to the gorge. Walked across the bridge, what a view, both down and over the hillsides. The bridge is 1100 feet above the water.
While visiting Patrece, had the opportunity to use the hot tub. I was soaking and looked over to the hot tub step area and could see this pair of brown eyes popping up to look over the edge of the hot tub. These eyes belonged to my yorkie Gretta. A few more bounces and she landed over the edge in the hot tub and swam to me. She just wanted to be 'with my mommy' We put her out to dry off after a few minutes, before we knew it, she was right back in the tub with us. Nothing like having a mommy's baby for a dog. This is the same dog that snuggles tight when I am not feeling up to par.
On the day of our departure, dad and I headed south in CO again, this time stopped by The Great Sand Dunes National Park. What a sand pile, over 700 feet tall and miles long. Saw these little black dots out on the dune. Used the binoculars to check out the dots, they were people climbing the dunes. The sand was loose and difficult to walk in. We did not venture far our on the dune, enjoyed the view and toured the rest of the park. We were driving through the picnic area and encountered a couple of mule deer that were by one of the picnic tables. The dogs got to splash in a bubbling creek, and then walk for a bit to dry off. Dad and I then started to head north through the CO mountains. The dark evergreens and bright yellow leaves of the aspen provided lots of scenery to watch. Perfect time for enjoying the fall colors. We drove up 285 as far as Fairplay on that day. There was snow on the mountain tops, a gal from the motel reports that about 16 inches on the top of the mountain. The temperature was near freezing when we arrived, 28 degrees in the morning when we left. Piled on extra layers of clothes for the morning, shed a couple layers by afternoon. Travel continued north to the outskirts of Denver and north farther to Platteville, CO. Visited with one of dad's relatives for a while, I took the dogs for a long walk, felt so good to get out in the sunshine. After the visit, returned to Interstate 25 north and continued the road trip north.
If I recall right, we spent the next night in Douglas or Casper, WY. Mind is a little fuzzy to some details, we saw so many things. The antelope were near the interstate, avoiding the hunters??? Maybe.
While in WY we stopped at Devils Tower Natn'l Monument, walked the path around the base (1.3 miles) and watched the climbers with the binoculars. Some of the climbers had made it all the way to the top of the 1200 plus foot climb. Not my kind of hobby. Fun to watch the climbers though. I am much more secure with both feet on the level ground.
Net stop is Mt. Rushmore, I was there quite a few years ago, they have changed the viewing area, you get closer to the faces now. The day was cloudy, not the best for photos. We headed over to the Crazy Horse Monument, the face of crazy horse was covered with a cloud, they have removed a lot of tons of rock and have years left before the sculpture is complete. Started in 1948, I don't believe that it will be complete in my lifetime. After the 2 sculpture, we drove needles highway, hairpin turns up and down a mountain with a small tunnel carved out of the stone at the top to drive your car through (threaded the rock needle with my escape. It also started to snow heavily while we were on top of the mountain. Spotted a couple of mule deer during the drive off the mountain. We ended up on Interstate 90 for the trip across SD. Stopped and looked at things at Wall drug, had a late supper at a truck stop in Sioux Falls. We had only a couple more hours at this point and we would be back at dad's place. So, we went 'on the road again' for the last leg of the trip. Arrived at my dad's place about 1 am. Fell asleep, slept late, till about 9:30 am. I had plans to visit friends and former co-workers while I was at dad's. Spent the day visiting, tried to borrow a computer to join chat on Monday evening, I didn't want to load something new on a friends computer without asking. So, missed out on chat. Finished a couple more visits Tuesday Morning. By noon, I was 'on the road again' to my own home. Several stops for rest breaks and I arrived home about 8:30 pm. Whewwwww, that was a busy and enjoyable 11 day trip.
Wildlife spotted along the route, whitetailed deer, mule deer, antelope, elk, big-horned sheep, wild goats, turkeys, pheasant, prairie dogs, chipmunks, a multitude of birds and I am positive I am missing some of the list. Had a great time and look forward to my next trip away from home, hopefully, Dennis will be able to travel with me.
Hugs to everyone, Kathy
Wow, hard to believe I got so much in on 11 days away. First of all, felt like a real vacation, not one of those where you take time off work ans still work on things around the house. Getting away from it all was the best for me.
I packed up my bags and a suitcase for the two dogs and headed south to Maynard, MN on Sept. 25th to my dad's place. The dogs suitcase consisted of a couple of old towels, just in case they got yucky in a puddle or something. They find the nastiest things to roll around in. I also put their food and water bowls, food, treats and brushes in there. Tucked their kennel and all the bags into the rear of my Escape and we were 'One the road'. 285 miles on day 1 just to get to dad's place. Dad and I have planned to go to a family reunion in southern MN on the 26th and take off mid afternoon from there and travel south. The goal was to get to Pueblo West, CO in as short a time as possible to get in my visit with Patrece and Paul. We traveled south to Kansas City, got on Interstate 70 heading west and alternated drivers through the night. We arrived to our destination in CO early Sunday morning, around 9 am, is my best guess. Surprised Patrece by calling her for directions from the driveway of her house. Felt so nice to finally meet her. We have been communicating by email and phone, now face to face. What a great couple, Paul and Patrece. Dad and I stopped every 90 minutes or so along the way to let the dogs out and stretch our legs. Got a case of sore bottom from all the time in a car seat, the walks felt good.
We spent time at Patrece's until she had to leave to go to a retreat. It was fun getting to know them and doing a little traveling around in southern CO. We went to the Grand Gorge one day, traveled on the little train to a scenic overlook, and continued on to the gorge. Walked across the bridge, what a view, both down and over the hillsides. The bridge is 1100 feet above the water.
While visiting Patrece, had the opportunity to use the hot tub. I was soaking and looked over to the hot tub step area and could see this pair of brown eyes popping up to look over the edge of the hot tub. These eyes belonged to my yorkie Gretta. A few more bounces and she landed over the edge in the hot tub and swam to me. She just wanted to be 'with my mommy' We put her out to dry off after a few minutes, before we knew it, she was right back in the tub with us. Nothing like having a mommy's baby for a dog. This is the same dog that snuggles tight when I am not feeling up to par.
On the day of our departure, dad and I headed south in CO again, this time stopped by The Great Sand Dunes National Park. What a sand pile, over 700 feet tall and miles long. Saw these little black dots out on the dune. Used the binoculars to check out the dots, they were people climbing the dunes. The sand was loose and difficult to walk in. We did not venture far our on the dune, enjoyed the view and toured the rest of the park. We were driving through the picnic area and encountered a couple of mule deer that were by one of the picnic tables. The dogs got to splash in a bubbling creek, and then walk for a bit to dry off. Dad and I then started to head north through the CO mountains. The dark evergreens and bright yellow leaves of the aspen provided lots of scenery to watch. Perfect time for enjoying the fall colors. We drove up 285 as far as Fairplay on that day. There was snow on the mountain tops, a gal from the motel reports that about 16 inches on the top of the mountain. The temperature was near freezing when we arrived, 28 degrees in the morning when we left. Piled on extra layers of clothes for the morning, shed a couple layers by afternoon. Travel continued north to the outskirts of Denver and north farther to Platteville, CO. Visited with one of dad's relatives for a while, I took the dogs for a long walk, felt so good to get out in the sunshine. After the visit, returned to Interstate 25 north and continued the road trip north.
If I recall right, we spent the next night in Douglas or Casper, WY. Mind is a little fuzzy to some details, we saw so many things. The antelope were near the interstate, avoiding the hunters??? Maybe.
While in WY we stopped at Devils Tower Natn'l Monument, walked the path around the base (1.3 miles) and watched the climbers with the binoculars. Some of the climbers had made it all the way to the top of the 1200 plus foot climb. Not my kind of hobby. Fun to watch the climbers though. I am much more secure with both feet on the level ground.
Net stop is Mt. Rushmore, I was there quite a few years ago, they have changed the viewing area, you get closer to the faces now. The day was cloudy, not the best for photos. We headed over to the Crazy Horse Monument, the face of crazy horse was covered with a cloud, they have removed a lot of tons of rock and have years left before the sculpture is complete. Started in 1948, I don't believe that it will be complete in my lifetime. After the 2 sculpture, we drove needles highway, hairpin turns up and down a mountain with a small tunnel carved out of the stone at the top to drive your car through (threaded the rock needle with my escape. It also started to snow heavily while we were on top of the mountain. Spotted a couple of mule deer during the drive off the mountain. We ended up on Interstate 90 for the trip across SD. Stopped and looked at things at Wall drug, had a late supper at a truck stop in Sioux Falls. We had only a couple more hours at this point and we would be back at dad's place. So, we went 'on the road again' for the last leg of the trip. Arrived at my dad's place about 1 am. Fell asleep, slept late, till about 9:30 am. I had plans to visit friends and former co-workers while I was at dad's. Spent the day visiting, tried to borrow a computer to join chat on Monday evening, I didn't want to load something new on a friends computer without asking. So, missed out on chat. Finished a couple more visits Tuesday Morning. By noon, I was 'on the road again' to my own home. Several stops for rest breaks and I arrived home about 8:30 pm. Whewwwww, that was a busy and enjoyable 11 day trip.
Wildlife spotted along the route, whitetailed deer, mule deer, antelope, elk, big-horned sheep, wild goats, turkeys, pheasant, prairie dogs, chipmunks, a multitude of birds and I am positive I am missing some of the list. Had a great time and look forward to my next trip away from home, hopefully, Dennis will be able to travel with me.
OH Support Group Leader
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