Bariatric Buddy
What do you have planned to enjoy your weekend?
Take at least a few hours this weekend to do something fun, pleasant, or peaceful. It is so rejuvinating! Even read a good book you have been putting off. It too is a nice escape from our daily grind.
Hugs to all!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Grandchildren are the best! Mine are 12, 10, 5, 3 and 10 months. One lonely 5 year old boy.
The youngest, is doing her best to walk and like your youngest, it's hard to keep up.
My weekend isn't fun cuz I'm cleaning, washing windows, closets, etc. My parents, 2 brothers and their wives are coming in 2 weeks so my fall cleaning has kicked into high gear. We just brought up 4 totes from the basement with fall and halloween decorations. Putting them up is fun, but have to clean first. I left 4 more totes down there that I won't use this year. Our state park has a halloween camping the weekend before H'ween. Everyone decorates their campsites, then kids come and trick or treat at each campsite. It is a lot of fun. Some of us (ME) get dressed up. Last year, my grandson came up to me, looking quite frightened and said "Are you my grandma?" Anyway, some of the campsite decorations are staying in the basement.
I'm kind of obsessive compulsive about holiday decorating. I have 22 totes with Christmas decorations! My DH hates having to help carry them upstairs, but he enjoys it when it's all done too. I have 8 trees (most rooms have a tree). We don't decorate outdoors much...just inside.
And then there's the holiday food I love to prepare. That's another story.
moparmemaw I think you had your fingers on the wrong keys.

I've done that before and couldn't tell what I was trying to type. We'll have a good time. Going to my aunt and uncles 60th wedding anniversary party. Haven't seen them for a year and my uncle has cancer, so I feel we need to be there. I haven't seen some of my cousins for several years, so am looking forward to seeing everyone. And I am making plans to meet one of my OH friends who lives there. We've got to work out some bugs in meeting, because I will be with parents/brothers and none of them know about my plans for WLS. We'll get it figured out and will make every effort to meet. I live in Iowa and she lives in Illinois, near where I grew up and where the anniversary party will be. Can't wait!
I am doing a mega ton of cleaning too. Fall cleaning, so everything is being targeted. Have been working at it the last few days. Still have my bedroom and the upstairs suite to do. (they are pretty neglected. Am planning on moving my bedroom to the upstairs master suite when I get them all cleaned up and sparkly clean and rugs shampoo'd. I have company coming in either Sunday or monday, not sure yet which day then on thursday am at 3:00 am I leave for the airport. Doubt i'll get it all done before I go, especially with the G-babies running around here today and part of tomorrow.
As a matter of fact, I am beat already! Think I am going to go get a little nap before the wee ones arrive.
Have a great weekend, and good luck with the cleaning and decorating!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Glad to hear from you today.
Hubby and I are relaxing. Will straighten up the house, work on my data base. then go out to the park and or mall.
I worked out this morning (morning are best for me) to Leslie Sansome. She's cute with lots of energy. after surgery I pray that I will be able to work out with a lot harder fitness instructors in order to get "hard."
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
AND I was thinking of waiting until after the holidays to actually have the surgery