Bariatric Buddy
It's getting close!
Now is the ime to start getting those new lifestyle habits in place. Even if you do not find yourself making it to the gym, walk at least 30 minutes a day, even if you must break it into 3 10 minute walks! You are going to do awesome! Congrats again!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
I had thought about the plate, decided against it, but now since you brough it up, I'll go ahead a get one.
I would bring maybe a magazine or paperback book in case you feel like reading. Given the choice between tv and reading, I'll usually pick tv, but you may enjoy reading.
Wishing you all the best! Katie
Thanks Katie! My hubby took me shopping yesterday and bought me my slippers (non-skid, slip-on, and very comfy) along with some of the other stuff I needed. He has been a gem about this. I'm not working right now; I've been on a medical leave from my job since February and am collecting disability so money is a little tight for me. He bought me my first 3 months supply of vitamins, loads of juice and soup, a new thermometer for when I come home from the hospital (just in case) etc., along with the laptop so I can keep up with my email and play Club Pogo while I'm in the hospital. So I have just a few more small things I need to get and I'm set to go.