Bariatric Buddy
I am Baaack!
Hello my buddies... I finally made it back to OH.
I was a busy bee for the first two weeks doing doctor and dentist visits n such.
Then the almighty computer took a crap on me, thank goodness for extended warranty lol. Dell had to send a tech out to fix it after they had me wipe it completely out. Wasnt much fun with noone to chat with and nothing to read for the last week, but it is all fixed now.
How is everyone doing? And who all has had surgery, needs extra support or just anything I have missed out on?
Here is a lil info on me, I have cut myself down to four smokes a day again, and hopefully there wont be another stress explosion by my daughter to cause me to start full blown again. I have had a few small stressors from her, but have maintained the four a day. I have tried nicotine patches, they roll up and fall of me...
Dont know why, where I put them is clean and dry. Guess I will have to use a bandaid to hold it down huh? I think I will try that.
Well hope everyone has a wonderful day while I am getting rained on... Has been raining here for 3 days, we needed it tho for the crops. Not to mention to cool it down some, the humidity here has been rough the last few weeks. I am ready for fall to get here already.
Group huggz

How is everyone doing? And who all has had surgery, needs extra support or just anything I have missed out on?
Here is a lil info on me, I have cut myself down to four smokes a day again, and hopefully there wont be another stress explosion by my daughter to cause me to start full blown again. I have had a few small stressors from her, but have maintained the four a day. I have tried nicotine patches, they roll up and fall of me...

Dont know why, where I put them is clean and dry. Guess I will have to use a bandaid to hold it down huh? I think I will try that.
Well hope everyone has a wonderful day while I am getting rained on... Has been raining here for 3 days, we needed it tho for the crops. Not to mention to cool it down some, the humidity here has been rough the last few weeks. I am ready for fall to get here already.
Group huggz

Just Meee aka Linda
Come join me in the Bariatric Buddy Group
Highest weight 406, Surgery weight 386, and now on the Losers Bench!

Welcome back Linda!
I quit smoking as part of my requirements for surgery. I have been smoke free since 7-25. I went to a hypnotherapist and don't use any NRT myself. However, I do belong to a support group for quitting and others have said the same thing, that the patch won't stay on. One lady suggested surgical tape; that was what she had to use.
Good luck with your quit. It isn't easy but I feel so much better now, after being a 2-pack a day smoker.
I quit smoking as part of my requirements for surgery. I have been smoke free since 7-25. I went to a hypnotherapist and don't use any NRT myself. However, I do belong to a support group for quitting and others have said the same thing, that the patch won't stay on. One lady suggested surgical tape; that was what she had to use.
Good luck with your quit. It isn't easy but I feel so much better now, after being a 2-pack a day smoker.

Well Linda, guess if I had read your post, I wouldn't have had my question. You can do the quitting. You know my dad has a fix for everything, at least if you can fix it with baling wire or duct tape. I think duct tape is overkill to keep a patch on. Surgical tape sounds so much better.
Keep the stressors low and the resolve high. Hugs, Kathy
Keep the stressors low and the resolve high. Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group