Bariatric Buddy
drains doing better
yeah!!!!!!!!!!! drains 3 and 4 are below 10cc per day and the horrible drain 2 is down to about 35 cc per 24 hours. hopefully 3 and 4 will be pulled next week. my local doc has agreed to do it so i won't have to go to wichita falls, which is a 4 1/2 hour drive. this all depends on if my surgeon will go for it. i would understand if he wants to do it himself but here's hoping. i am doing better, but i still am swollen and i bet i would wear a size 14 or 16 instead of the 12 i was in. i am down to about 150 pounds now, but i am still retaining fluid so i imagine it is in the 140's. i resest my goal (again) to 142, but the closer i get to it the more frightened i get. i am really starting to look skinny in the face and around the collar bone. my legs are starting to be twiggy like (remember her?). it's my torso that is still big. just hoping mostly fluid retention. well enough of an update on me. if any of you are considering plastic surgery, remember i am the resident expert. lol i tell u what, plastics is a lot harder to get over than wls, a lot. all correspondence is welcome. i'm feeling kind of lonely. vick
That is long drive one way Vick, no wonder he wanted to keep you around for so long after surgery. Good to hear that the drainage is going down. I hear you when you talk of swelling, Still have a little in my abdomen as well.
If, and when I get to that stage, you can be my mentor. It won't be this year. I am getting near to tooterville though. Added another goal to go for once I get below 300. I think I will do a little shopping when I go to Duluth on the 16th. My pants are really starting to bother me, I have been rolling the waist down, or they would ride closer to my bra band. (and across my incisions).
I just realized the other day, that the only warm "food" I have had in the last 5 weeks were a couple of cups of chicken broth. I have forgotten what it is like to have a 'cooked meal'. Made up a cup of unjury chicken soup at bedtime last night, couldn't even fini**** Was nice to have something warm though. I am getting tired of the shake diet. Nibbled on a dime size piece of Dennis' corned beef yesterday, and had a couple bites of applesauce. No troubles noted after that. I think I am getting hungry for fish of all things.
I felt just exhausted this morning, only up for an hour during the night. I drank a couple glasses of water while I was up, dry mouth. I think the long walks are just catching up with what I am taking in, or not taking in orally. I do enjoy the good feeling I get after exercise, not planning to stop. The endorphins get me through the rest of the day.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy during the day these days? Any hobbies? Hugs, Kathy
If, and when I get to that stage, you can be my mentor. It won't be this year. I am getting near to tooterville though. Added another goal to go for once I get below 300. I think I will do a little shopping when I go to Duluth on the 16th. My pants are really starting to bother me, I have been rolling the waist down, or they would ride closer to my bra band. (and across my incisions).
I just realized the other day, that the only warm "food" I have had in the last 5 weeks were a couple of cups of chicken broth. I have forgotten what it is like to have a 'cooked meal'. Made up a cup of unjury chicken soup at bedtime last night, couldn't even fini**** Was nice to have something warm though. I am getting tired of the shake diet. Nibbled on a dime size piece of Dennis' corned beef yesterday, and had a couple bites of applesauce. No troubles noted after that. I think I am getting hungry for fish of all things.
I felt just exhausted this morning, only up for an hour during the night. I drank a couple glasses of water while I was up, dry mouth. I think the long walks are just catching up with what I am taking in, or not taking in orally. I do enjoy the good feeling I get after exercise, not planning to stop. The endorphins get me through the rest of the day.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy during the day these days? Any hobbies? Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

kathy, feeling so blah and out of energy i don't really care to do anything. i have watched a lot of csi's and law and orders. i also read a lot usually, but even that has taken more energy thaan i have right now. i spend quit a bit of time on the computer, staying in touch with you guys. i also buy a lot of what we need on the computer, i am not much of one for shopping. i am looking forward to shopping for clothes when i am at a steady weight and size. i figure that will be in about 4-5 months. i will be steady on my weight soon but its the swelling that will put the brakes on buying clothes. i told my husband that i am going to spend about 500 per month for a couple of months (maybe 3) so i can get a new wardrobe. i mean we are talking everything. my shoes are too big, undies, gowns, pants, dress outfit or two, shirts. i am going to try and avoid t shirts. the staple for us fat people is t shirts and i am tired of them. i want some tailored shirts. cana't wait for that. i am by no means a clothes horse, but i am going to allow myself some nice looking, figure revealing clothes for once in a long, long, long time. how about you? do u think about that for the future? u are losing weight good. you are already down over 40 lbs, right? i don't care if u lose it pre or post op. loosing is loosing. you are good at cheering people up also. keep that gift in good stead. i have been to the looney bin 4 times in my lifetime, but not since 2003. well i have blabbed enough. my husband wants to use it , oh to hell with him. lol. he has to do the dishes anyway. he is really trying to help, but he just isn't physically capable of keeping the house up. welll i guess i better go. thanks for your friendship. vick
Sorry you are so blah, I understand completely, have periods of that myself that only last a few hours. The exercise helps when I feel blah.
Right now, I am chewing cottage cheese. Dennis had me get some for him. And so very tired of shakes. I took 1 tablespoon, put is on my 6 inch plate and am using a baby spoon for small bites. Even just plain with no decorations, the cottage cheese is tasting good. I am remembering to put my spoon down and wait between bites, who knew a tablespoon of cottage cheese would take so long to eat.
I need to get a couple of pair of pants, planning to look when I go to town on Wed. for my followup. Still living in my now overly large t-shirts. Dennis has already claimed any t-shirts that I won't wear. I don't have any pink ones, guess I won't get to see him in pink ;) Too early in the loss process for me to plan anything else clothing wise.
I changed my signature so I could see my loss, nice to see the numbers climbing in the loss category. I was suicidal when I was inpatient a few years ago, sooooo much has changed since then. I choose to look at the bright side of things and not dwell on the bad. Helps on a daily basis.
Take care, waiting to see what else you have to share. Hugs, Kathy
Right now, I am chewing cottage cheese. Dennis had me get some for him. And so very tired of shakes. I took 1 tablespoon, put is on my 6 inch plate and am using a baby spoon for small bites. Even just plain with no decorations, the cottage cheese is tasting good. I am remembering to put my spoon down and wait between bites, who knew a tablespoon of cottage cheese would take so long to eat.
I need to get a couple of pair of pants, planning to look when I go to town on Wed. for my followup. Still living in my now overly large t-shirts. Dennis has already claimed any t-shirts that I won't wear. I don't have any pink ones, guess I won't get to see him in pink ;) Too early in the loss process for me to plan anything else clothing wise.
I changed my signature so I could see my loss, nice to see the numbers climbing in the loss category. I was suicidal when I was inpatient a few years ago, sooooo much has changed since then. I choose to look at the bright side of things and not dwell on the bad. Helps on a daily basis.
Take care, waiting to see what else you have to share. Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

wow, 53 pounds down. that is terrific. how many clothes size do u think that is? i bet 2 or 3. you'll find out when u get to go get your new pants. i always like just my size clothes because they were bigger in the waist and my waist is still big for my butt size. my waist is down to 33 inches, i would love to get below 30 but i'm not really looking for that to happen anytime soon. lol too bad you don't have any pink t shirts for your husband, how about purple or lavender. i tried suicide myself and that is why i was in the looney bin. haven't tried since 2003. i was in a major, clinical, reoccurring depression for over 8 years. my shrink finally hit on a combination of drugs that worked. that man saved my life. anybody else would have given up a lot sooner. he also is my therapist, i see him weekly. i talked to him about going to work and he highly discouraged it. he said i might be able to work a day or two a week at substitute teaching. i don't know, i would want to go back to school and get my teaching certificate. i would only need to take about 2 or 3 classes, i already have most of the classes needed for it and i also have my bachelors. you are a rn, aren't you? how do u like it? it sounds like it could really be stressful at times. most nurses here work 12 hours at a wack. man that is tooooooooo long. well talk to you later. vick