Bariatric Buddy
OK, let's shake this place up a little
Afternoon everybody, I have time on my hands with the limit on what I can do. Any one for some shaking up the quiet around here?
I went rock climbing a little while ago, the sand pebbles (on the sidewalk)make quite a climb. Didn't get any in my shoe either.
Think I will patrol the jungle this afternoon. (look at my garden - weeds) Sounds like a safari to me.
Who else had any wild plans?
I went rock climbing a little while ago, the sand pebbles (on the sidewalk)make quite a climb. Didn't get any in my shoe either.
Think I will patrol the jungle this afternoon. (look at my garden - weeds) Sounds like a safari to me.
Who else had any wild plans?
OH Support Group Leader
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Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

I don't have any wild plants, but thanks to my nutty neighbor who puts a buffet out, we have lots of wild skunks! She says she is feeding the bunnies but not even rabbits could eat as much as she puts out. I swear I saw an entire Hoagie out there one day lol. Well the skunks just think this is the best place ever, and so they have made a nest right across from the crazy food neighbor, in the bushes of the overgrown bushes family. A few weeks ago my dog got sprayed by a skunk. If you've never had it happen to you, first your lucky, but also when you are that close to the smell it stops smelling like "skunk" and takes on a whole new, much worse smell. I do have a slightly evil streak in me....her dog was also sprayed by the skunk, as well as the "never trim out bushes family", their dog has gotten sprayed 3 times already. I just laugh and thank God it's not me.
That's my rant of the day :)
That's my rant of the day :)
PHHHHHHeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Glad my neighbors only feed the birds. Hope your dog smells better now, and has the sense to leave the skunks alone. I enjoy watching the bird feeder at me neighbor's house, he is trying to feed the small birds. The feeder is not meant for pigeon, well the pigeons try to feed, then the squirrels, soon the feeder is empty on the ground and the pigeons and squirrels get together on the ground. Until the neighbor lets his dog out. This dog is part black lab and part pit bull. Color or the lab and the square head and bulky chest of the pit bull. Clears all the little critters from the yard. You should see my yorkie, she goes just up to the property line and 10 feet away from the end of the other dogs leash, and does this little big dog bark and hop up and down, like she is queen of the block. During the winter the snow piles between the houses, Gretta climbs the snow hill to do this routine. She is a hoot.
The worst I've had to clean off the dogs was dead fish smell. Ughhh, the smellier, the more fun to roll in. I don't get it. Shampoo to the rescue.
Well time for another trip outdoors to see what is new in the neighborhood. Till next time gang, Hugs, Kathy
The worst I've had to clean off the dogs was dead fish smell. Ughhh, the smellier, the more fun to roll in. I don't get it. Shampoo to the rescue.
Well time for another trip outdoors to see what is new in the neighborhood. Till next time gang, Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
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Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

In my yard I have a lot of very wonderful wild and over growing weeds! I raise very intelegent flies that I send out to pester anyone that comes to visit. LOL oh my... My uncles girlfriend likes to feed all the little critters, and does not like to see any of them get harmed in anyway. Well, from her feeding all the critters she went out one night to feed the skunks, and she got sprayed, not once but twice! Now she wants to have my dogs come up and take care of her stinker!
I have a "pit crew" of 5 dogs now, 3 that are adults and 2 puppies. Some of the best dogs I have ever had, but.... for some reason they sure like to chase the black cat with the white stripe on its tail. Oh and do they stink when they come home! It makes it so much worse when it is more than one of them that gets sprayed. But, found the mixture that takes the stink off of the dogs. Mix baking soda with some peroxide and dawn dish soap. Works like a charm, the only thing is if they get sprayed a lot, the color of their coats start to change a bit. Just the joys of living on a farm... with dogs.. and no other critters to mention. They chased off all the cats. oh my... My uncles girlfriend likes to feed all the little critters, and does not like to see any of them get harmed in anyway. Well, from her feeding all the critters she went out one night to feed the skunks, and she got sprayed, not once but twice! Now she wants to have my dogs come up and take care of her stinker!
I have a "pit crew" of 5 dogs now, 3 that are adults and 2 puppies. Some of the best dogs I have ever had, but.... for some reason they sure like to chase the black cat with the white stripe on its tail. Oh and do they stink when they come home! It makes it so much worse when it is more than one of them that gets sprayed. But, found the mixture that takes the stink off of the dogs. Mix baking soda with some peroxide and dawn dish soap. Works like a charm, the only thing is if they get sprayed a lot, the color of their coats start to change a bit. Just the joys of living on a farm... with dogs.. and no other critters to mention. They chased off all the cats.
Sounds like an interesting mix to deal with the smell, but if it works, great. Bleached pooches who like stinky black and white kitties. For now the weeds have the run of the garden, can't quite get bent over enough to think about pulling weeds. I took the lawn mower to the worst of it before surgery.
OH Support Group Leader
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Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Ok, I was just flipping through some before and after photos on my page and I saw someone I know. My cousins husband. He lost all his weight (165#) in 9 months. I knew he had had surgery, just nice to see it here, was back in 2007.
OH Support Group Leader
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Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

I grew up on a farm, had a pet skunk for a while(de-smelled) and a couple of pet racoons so I have to admit to having a soft spot for the little things, but keep my dog away from them none the less. We live about a half mile from the Minnesota River and get a lot of critters running through. For the most part our dog leaves them alone. Well the truth is Free doesn't do much at all. He is the ultimate watchdog, he watches everything that happens around our house---as long as he can see it from the couch. I am having a hard time keeping myself busy despite not being limited yet. I am on this liquid protein diet and constantly hungry. I don't know if I can do it. Any suggestions welcome. I have been to the gym and all that. I do have projects around the house to work on but really feel weak despite the protein shakes and clear liquids. I go in at 400 for a pre-op physical, but the 17th sure feels like a long way away. At any rate, glad you are up and around, Kathy and I hope your jungle adventure is a lot of fun.
My jungle adventure is turning into a honey do list. The lawn in a jungle and needs mowing real bad.
I understand the weak thing, I noticed it more on week 2 of the shakes before surgery. Now any little thing is an excuse for a nap. Just wish I was sleeping better at night. I am finishing up my 4th total week of shakes and needing one more week before my follow up visit with the dietician. Just did the math, I have had 140 carnation/protein shakes so far.
I had a place 2 blocks from the MN River when I lived in SW MN before moving up north. Loved to listen to the water falls when the windows were open.
I understand the weak thing, I noticed it more on week 2 of the shakes before surgery. Now any little thing is an excuse for a nap. Just wish I was sleeping better at night. I am finishing up my 4th total week of shakes and needing one more week before my follow up visit with the dietician. Just did the math, I have had 140 carnation/protein shakes so far.
I had a place 2 blocks from the MN River when I lived in SW MN before moving up north. Loved to listen to the water falls when the windows were open.
OH Support Group Leader
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Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group