Bariatric Buddy
Yes, no additional hernias. I was up hours ago, went back to bed for another nap, felt goooooood, Drinking my carmation shake and checking out my emails. No big plans for the day, walk, sip, pass gas and rest. My OnQ pump is almost empty, will probably remove it late this afternoon, want to get all the relief from it I can.
Have a great one. Hugs, Kathy
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Since my first fill was friday and I'm new to all this I guess I progressed to solids too quickly from the fill and ended up throwing up for the first time last night :( I was really upset. I did so well not getting sic****il that point. Then today when I tried to eat it got stuck, but eventually went down. I called doc just to check, I was nervous that the band could slip with me throwing up and he reassured me it's highly unlikely to get a slip from just throwing up once.
SOoooooo I feel better after hearing that but it's all liquids today and all mushy tomorrow. Yay :(
All those in our group who are still in recovery from surgery, and adjustment to all these changes are in my thoughts and heart for a rapid recovery and adjustment.
Sukie, so sorry to hear about your food episode. It is NO fun at all, I know. Please make sure to advance slowly and carefully through the phases of food consistancy, and chew very well, this will help avoid foods sticking. Hope you are feeling better. Down 20 lbs! YEAYYYYYYY for you!!!!!!
I have no real food plan in place for today. The last few days have been hectic and just haven't taken time to plan, but I did make sure that I have all the right foods here and available, so that what ever I do decide on for meals, will be good stuff. Yogurt for breakfast, this much I know, even tho breakfast is very late Then of course my bariatric multi vit's and my calcium supplements after I eat. Iron will be after a late lunch. then multi-vit's and calcium again after supper. Going to make sure to get in all of my water today. And hopefully a very nice long walk, weather permitting. Kinda cloudy and cool which is nice for walking provided it doesn't pour down rain on me. If it does rain, than its time to use my Wii.
You all have a great day today! Every one of you mean a lot to me and I wish you only the best for this day! Do something kind for yourself, even if it is just taking a nice long lazy nap!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
How are all of you doing. I have gone back to singing in the Praise team at my church. Needless to say I feel better this afternoon. I feel stronger after attending services. Because it feels like God is standing closer to me after church. Even though I know that He is always there, It just feels like He is closer. My sister called me after I got home and invited me over for Labor day. She says I don't need to bring anything, but I could bring either a side dish or a dessert. I was thinking about a dessert. I was thinking along a concoction of fruit and fat free coolwhip .. and I also have some strawberry yogurt .. I have diced peaches and pears .. and I could layer them with the coolwhip and then with a layer of strawberry yogurt inbetween. Does that sound good .. I'm not sure .. help me out with this ... and I have bananas and grapes ..
Anyway .. on a different side of things .. with my weigh ins that i do every day I have gotten down to 264 .. about 10 pounds since I started this about a month ago ... I have been eating yogurt and fruits and eating salads and meat and cheese sandwiches with whole grain bread .. I have my appt with the dietician on the 25th, and the psychiatrist on the 6th of next month. who knows when I will have the surgery, but I am walking thru the process.
Well, Let me know about any ideas on the dessert that I am thinking of for tomorrow .. layering all the fruit with coolwhip inbetween maybe the yogurt on the bottom ...
Blessings to all
Morning Jenn,
Sounds like a good desert, I vote for mixing the cool whip and yogurt and using just enough to coat all the fruits, cut into bite size pieces. This will make a cool colored cool whip with a hint of flavor. If you want a little more texture to the cool whip, here is a "pie filling" that I love, so does my hubby. Take 1/4 cup boiling water, dissolve 1 small package sugar free jello(choose your jello flavor to go with your yogurt flavor) Add 2 individual size containers of low cal yogurt to the dissolved jello and then an 8 ounce tub fat free, low sugar cool whip. This fills a graham cracker crust. Sets up in just a couple hours in the fridge. Fruit mixed in this sounds wonderful. I like fruit in it, Dennis, not so much.
I think I will go get my next carnation shake now. Have a great day Jenn. Hugs, Kathy
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group