Bariatric Buddy
Ready to call the undertaker
I am so miserable, the last part of a shake I drank 2 hours ago is just sitting in my gut. I am so bloated and feeling just horid. I know a good pass of the gas would do a big deal to improve things. Just not sure if I have the energy to do the walking to help it pass. By the way, I did walk outside with Dennis after he got home from work and we are planning to walk again during half time of the football game. I was also blessed with my monthly gift, even though I haven't had a gift for the last 2 years. Oh me, I knew it was possible. Thank you to the anesthetics for throwing my whole system for a loop.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Wow the Powers that Be certainly do have a sense of humor, don't that? The has is horrible but it does pass in a few days so just try to hang in there. Gas X dissolving strips helped me a little but it wasn't a miracle cure. I think at about 4 days out I stopped feeling so gassy. It's great that you're up and walking! Keep up the good work...and sorry about your monthly visitor
What crappy timing!

Feeling a little better, think I will stick with ice chips for awhile longer, throat is so dry. Starting to pass more gas, wish I could fart like a beerdrinking male right now.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Ohhhh you poor honey! I remember those days like they were yesterday.... actually I think yesterday was alot like that for me... tootttttt toootttttt.. Seriously, the primary discomfort I experienced post-op after the first 4 days was the darned gas. I remember telling DH if I could just fart so hard I could blow a hole through this chair, I just know I'd feel better.
It is not only the anesthesia, but during surgery they pump ya full of air. It took me a good week and a half to get rid of it (the bloating, painful, full of pressure gas). BUT do not be suprised, that for many months to come, your farts can put that beer guzzling man to shame at times, My husband always covers for me...hehehe
Try Mylicon (sp?) drops. They may bring some relief. Also if BM's are difficult, miralax is the way to go!
Same thing happened to me as you. About 2 days after I got home from the hospital, my period started, and I had just had it 2 weeks prior... I was like... WHAT???? Of all times to have to bend and reach and fuss... man!
I dooo feel for you. It is not fun to have both problems at once goin on. Heck neither is fun.
Another suggestion is to try to drink your CIB slower, and maybe 1/4 bottle at a time if that until you get rid of some of this gas and heal a bit more. May just be too much on ya right now. Your pouch is only one ounce. So... don't put more than that in at any given time. Don't wanna rupture stuff.
Hugs, love and lots of sympathy to you!
It is not only the anesthesia, but during surgery they pump ya full of air. It took me a good week and a half to get rid of it (the bloating, painful, full of pressure gas). BUT do not be suprised, that for many months to come, your farts can put that beer guzzling man to shame at times, My husband always covers for me...hehehe

Same thing happened to me as you. About 2 days after I got home from the hospital, my period started, and I had just had it 2 weeks prior... I was like... WHAT???? Of all times to have to bend and reach and fuss... man!
I dooo feel for you. It is not fun to have both problems at once goin on. Heck neither is fun.
Another suggestion is to try to drink your CIB slower, and maybe 1/4 bottle at a time if that until you get rid of some of this gas and heal a bit more. May just be too much on ya right now. Your pouch is only one ounce. So... don't put more than that in at any given time. Don't wanna rupture stuff.
Hugs, love and lots of sympathy to you!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
If mother nature decides to visit me after I'm banded, I'm going to have a SERIOUS talk with her. She hasn't visited for 4 years and she had better NOT return! 
Of course the hot flashes
aren't fun, but they pass more quickly. I hope your gas issues pass soon. (PUN intended).
Keep up that walking. Taking a walk at half time is a good idea. How about every time there's a time out, do a lap around the house.
Good luck!

Of course the hot flashes

Keep up that walking. Taking a walk at half time is a good idea. How about every time there's a time out, do a lap around the house.
Good luck!
I have been hot flashing, the last one was the day after surgery. Prefer the flashes, much cleaner. I was not at all thrilled with this mother nature visit.
I wasn'****ching tha game, that was the only was I could get my hubby to join me for a walk. I still have him believing that I need an attendant for some of my outside walks. Besides, he has to hold the leashes for the dogs, I can't have them pulling on me yet. There are pics of the critters on my page. The walking did help.
Hugs, Kathy
I wasn'****ching tha game, that was the only was I could get my hubby to join me for a walk. I still have him believing that I need an attendant for some of my outside walks. Besides, he has to hold the leashes for the dogs, I can't have them pulling on me yet. There are pics of the critters on my page. The walking did help.
Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group