Bariatric Buddy
Exercise and fitness discussion
After my surgery I had what I called my invisable boo-boo. It was an area on my belly that hurt..was really tender but there was not incision at all there. That area stayed tender for several months. Every now and then I still notice it slightly. The surgeon said it is from where the muscle was all stretched out so he could get to stuff in there. Said there could have been a slight tear in it, or possibly severe bruising. But it bothered me longer than anything.
I will try to have fun at the 5 K. I have to go extra early to drop off a donation of donuts and pastries (7 am) Then registration starts at 8 and I am helping with that. and the walk at nine. I am sure they'll find plenty to keep me busy with from 7 until 8.
Ohhh do I remember bracing my abdomen for those sneezes. Ouchy!
Enjoy you day! I see you were up in the middle of the night again huh?
I will try to have fun at the 5 K. I have to go extra early to drop off a donation of donuts and pastries (7 am) Then registration starts at 8 and I am helping with that. and the walk at nine. I am sure they'll find plenty to keep me busy with from 7 until 8.
Ohhh do I remember bracing my abdomen for those sneezes. Ouchy!
Enjoy you day! I see you were up in the middle of the night again huh?
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Yeh, I have one of those tender areas too, way over on my left side about 4 inches away from my largest incision, I feel a strange tug there everyonce in a while when I walk too. Today I bought one of those shaper camisoles, just fits my abdomen snugly, and helps splint the tender area and keeps the bouncing fat roll with a smaller bounce. My love handles are more bouncy with the weight loss.
Got Dennis out for a dog walk before I became a football widow. We went 1.4 miles. Treadmill was going so well, I upped my speed to 3mph and went for 45 minutes, 2.25 miles or 370 cal. Probably going to take the dogs out again after it cools a little bit and I rehydrate. Treated myself to a tablespoon of cottage cheese after the treadmill.
Yup was up again, only took 25 mg of benadryl, going for 50 mg tonight. I was up only bout an hour and did go back to sleep, slept in till my bladder shouted at me. Hugs, Kathy
Got Dennis out for a dog walk before I became a football widow. We went 1.4 miles. Treadmill was going so well, I upped my speed to 3mph and went for 45 minutes, 2.25 miles or 370 cal. Probably going to take the dogs out again after it cools a little bit and I rehydrate. Treated myself to a tablespoon of cottage cheese after the treadmill.
Yup was up again, only took 25 mg of benadryl, going for 50 mg tonight. I was up only bout an hour and did go back to sleep, slept in till my bladder shouted at me. Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

A good idea, this discussion about fitness. I have been doing ok on that. I walk every day for a half hour, it isn't very fast yet but is getting faster. I have great places to walk. We have trails along the river here and live only blocks from them so that does make it easier. Most days I also go to my gym and work on the wieght machines. Winter is kind of hard because it gets hard to walk or ride bike outside(we live in Minnesota) and I feel like a hamster on the stationary things or ellipiticals and treadmills. We do have a walking track at the local community center and I can go swimming or join various classes so if I can stay motivated I have plenty of options. I do find that music helps a lot with motivation. My ipod is a godsend. I can turn it on and just walk along or do whatever as I sort of "ride" on the music. I have talked to a lot of people who find the music more of a distraction too so it's just a preference thing. Some of the ladies that walk at the Community Center track just hate people who wear ipods. I think it gives them the idea that the whole world is not giving them thier undivided attention. I quit going there last winter but this winter they will have to deal with it. Yes I think this thread really works I feel like going for a walk right now.
Hi schmikam, where in MN do you live? I'm in MN too, Virginia, iron range area. I am blessed to live 2 blocks from an anytime fitness, works out great with my schedule, I work the night shift. Keep up the good work with the exercise, starting before surgery makes the habit that much more solid for after surgery. I try to go up and walk the treadmill everyday. When the weather cooperates, like today. It is lovely outside, walked the 2 dogs 2 miles, they are, forgive the pun, dog tired :) now that we are back home. Going to let my feet rest s little while and then I will head to the gym. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs, Kathy
This evening the treadmill was just a buzzing. 50 minutes for 2.65 miles and 416 cal. I am not as tired as I thought I would be with all the activity these last few days.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Today, Dennis and I walked 2.4 miles with the dogs and I went to the gym, just got home. 375 cal. and 2.4 miles in 45 minutes on the treadmill. How did everyone else do?
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Me too, catch you soon. What do you do for work during the night? I am a nurse on the night shift. Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Whoooooo Hoooooo. No excuse now. Just don't make it a clothes rack. I did that with a piece of exercise equipment in the past. Have a great day. Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

So far today walked the dogs 2 miles and treadmill for 45 minutes or 435 cal. Thinking of taking the dogs out for a short walk this evening. Looking forward to seeing what the scale says at the clinic in the morning. First follow appt.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group