Bariatric Buddy
My body was startled awake about 40 minutes ago, thought I was going to be sick, nausea and feeling just plain yucky. i checked my blood sugar, results 42. I do not like this feeling. Took a glucose tablet and a glass of my liquid diet. Starting to ease up on the nausea. Rechecked my sugar, now 114. I think I will go back to bed. For a moment, I was ready to eat everything possible to get the low feeling gone. Nice to know that the tablets help. They don't have much taste and they certainly don't taste sweet. In the past I would have eated much, much more before rechecking my sugar, and of course it would have really spiked high due to the calorie input. The only symptom that I usually get and missed was the sweating. Dry as a bone with this low. This is the first low since going on the liquid diet 9 days ago. Time to back off a little more on my Lantus.
Well, thanks for listening, felt good to share. Taking these tired bones back to bed for a couple of hours. Till later, Hugs, Kathy
Well, thanks for listening, felt good to share. Taking these tired bones back to bed for a couple of hours. Till later, Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Oh man! Glad it woke you up before it went much lower! And I am very happy that you have good knowledge in how to manage your diabetes. I hope when you wake up next, you are feeling great! Make sure you are getting plenty of water or other SF liquids in so you do not dehydrate!
You are doing wonderful! You are such an inspiration!
You are doing wonderful! You are such an inspiration!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Yup, whole new woman. Up and at em for a few hours. The weather cleared, out for the doggie walk then the gym. Blood sugar stable now.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

glad you are feeling better, i am not diabetic (I'm sure a few more years and I would be though) but have always been prone to hypoglycemia and I was feeling this way all week which led to some cheating on my liquid diet, so I really got strict with myself today about drinking a lot more milk and staying on schedule with my liquid meals. Hopefully ti will help. This part is rough!
Ohhh your surgery date is very close! Hang in there lady!!! You can do this. It will be sooo worth it when the weight starts just falling off of you!
Try just a tad of Orange juice when your blood sugar drops, it is fast acting to raise it, then have a protein shake for the longer term management of the low sugar levels.
Congrats on your upcoming surgery, and welcome to our group!
Try just a tad of Orange juice when your blood sugar drops, it is fast acting to raise it, then have a protein shake for the longer term management of the low sugar levels.
Congrats on your upcoming surgery, and welcome to our group!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!