Bariatric Buddy
I'm alive!
Patrece, I think I was trying to eat it too fast cuz I was sooo hungry. I had some again for dinner, ate it very slowly, and it went down just fine. So much to learn! I'm also super duper tired today for some reason, so I'm trying to walk around a bit in between naps but I am just dragging a$$.
Thanks for the advice!
Thanks for the advice!
You are very welcome for the advice. You are probably tired, because a walk around the block is probably a bit much this soon. Your body needs lots of rest right now too, to heal from surgery.
Always remember to eat very slowly, and very small bites at a time. They recommend making whatever you eat last 20 minutes (the process of eating it). Take a bite. Put doen your utensil, wait 2 minutes, then take another bite. When your food becomes chewable, chew it very very thoroughly. No drinking 30 minutes before or after eating either.There is very very much to learn. Some is taught to us, and some we learn the hard way. Ask any questions at all. thats what we are here for, to help you through your journey!
Always remember to eat very slowly, and very small bites at a time. They recommend making whatever you eat last 20 minutes (the process of eating it). Take a bite. Put doen your utensil, wait 2 minutes, then take another bite. When your food becomes chewable, chew it very very thoroughly. No drinking 30 minutes before or after eating either.There is very very much to learn. Some is taught to us, and some we learn the hard way. Ask any questions at all. thats what we are here for, to help you through your journey!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!