Bariatric Buddy
3 days after surgery.Concerns with iron,rumbling stomach and weird tongue!
Hello everyone! I just got off the phone with the on call surgeon for my surgeons group. I had questions that I needed answers to and she was very brief and not very helpful with explaining her answers. I asked her about
a. I had surgery 3 days ago and was given antibiotics in the hospital but wasn't given a prescription to take home. She said that's fine. What were your experiences?
b.I've been anemic for months and after taking FOLTRIN and adding an extra 325 mg of iron/vit c to it my levels are better. I hadn't taken any for a couple of days leading up to surgery as directed and now at home, when I mixed the pull apart capsule into some cream of wheat it was absolutely untolerable. Has anyone else taken FOLTRIN and what did you do with the pull apart capsule at home? I stopped taking it until I can ask my PCP Tuesday what to do. The on call surgeon agreed with that.
c. I have been having almost constant rumbling in my lower stomach since I've been home. The on call surgeon said it's normal but didn't explain why. Any info on this? I bought Gas x as people suggested but never have had pain like people said they had. I asked the on call surgeon if I should take anything and she said no.
d. My tongue looks really weird. It's normal color in spots but mostly white on the rest. The on call surgeon said probably from dehydration. It doesn't feel weird.
Any help with these issues would be appreciated. Thank you!
a. I had surgery 3 days ago and was given antibiotics in the hospital but wasn't given a prescription to take home. She said that's fine. What were your experiences?
b.I've been anemic for months and after taking FOLTRIN and adding an extra 325 mg of iron/vit c to it my levels are better. I hadn't taken any for a couple of days leading up to surgery as directed and now at home, when I mixed the pull apart capsule into some cream of wheat it was absolutely untolerable. Has anyone else taken FOLTRIN and what did you do with the pull apart capsule at home? I stopped taking it until I can ask my PCP Tuesday what to do. The on call surgeon agreed with that.
c. I have been having almost constant rumbling in my lower stomach since I've been home. The on call surgeon said it's normal but didn't explain why. Any info on this? I bought Gas x as people suggested but never have had pain like people said they had. I asked the on call surgeon if I should take anything and she said no.
d. My tongue looks really weird. It's normal color in spots but mostly white on the rest. The on call surgeon said probably from dehydration. It doesn't feel weird.
Any help with these issues would be appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Lisa!
I too was given antibiotics in the hospital, but ws not sent home with any. I think this is fairly standard. The same appled to my daughter when she had RNY. So, unless you notice any signs or symptoms of infection, you probably do not need to worry about this. Signs and symptoms you want to watch for are: fever, redness / swelling to incisional areas, increased tenderness to incisional areas, incrased drainage or new drainage, especially if yellowish or greenish, or foul smelling.
The rumbling is from the air in you. when you have surgery, they put a lot of air inside your abdominal cavity. The best way to relieve this, is to get in several very small and tolorable walks, as it movs the air and helps it work its way out of you.
I'm not sure on the tongue issue. It could be some dehydration, but I honestly can't know for sure. Please be sure to get in your 64 oz of water daily. These first few weeks after surgery is when most people have trouble with dehydration. This is something I recommend checking with your doctor on when you have your follow-up appointment. (the whiteness). But meanwhile, focus on those fluids!
As far as the iron, possibly you could look into a tablet form? But again, I urge you to address this issue with your doctor when you have your follow-up appointment. The thing with the capsules, is if they are time release, you may not get full benefits from them, as they can be out of your system before they are absorbed. But you will likely get some of the iron from them. Any meds I was on prior to my surgery, my surgeon had me continue after surgery, but warned me of the decresed absorption of them due to the procedure.
One more thing. Chances are you will begin to experience some constipation from increased protein intake. There are a few things to do to help with this. Increased liquids help, activity (mobility) helps this by keeping parastalsis going (the action in your bowels that propels fod through your intestines) The less active we are, the less active our bowels are, and miralax can be a lifesaver.
I hope this helps you some. Unfortunately, some of these issues are things that only your doctor is qualified to answer. The best I can do is offer my experiences and what I know with you.
I too was given antibiotics in the hospital, but ws not sent home with any. I think this is fairly standard. The same appled to my daughter when she had RNY. So, unless you notice any signs or symptoms of infection, you probably do not need to worry about this. Signs and symptoms you want to watch for are: fever, redness / swelling to incisional areas, increased tenderness to incisional areas, incrased drainage or new drainage, especially if yellowish or greenish, or foul smelling.
The rumbling is from the air in you. when you have surgery, they put a lot of air inside your abdominal cavity. The best way to relieve this, is to get in several very small and tolorable walks, as it movs the air and helps it work its way out of you.
I'm not sure on the tongue issue. It could be some dehydration, but I honestly can't know for sure. Please be sure to get in your 64 oz of water daily. These first few weeks after surgery is when most people have trouble with dehydration. This is something I recommend checking with your doctor on when you have your follow-up appointment. (the whiteness). But meanwhile, focus on those fluids!
As far as the iron, possibly you could look into a tablet form? But again, I urge you to address this issue with your doctor when you have your follow-up appointment. The thing with the capsules, is if they are time release, you may not get full benefits from them, as they can be out of your system before they are absorbed. But you will likely get some of the iron from them. Any meds I was on prior to my surgery, my surgeon had me continue after surgery, but warned me of the decresed absorption of them due to the procedure.
One more thing. Chances are you will begin to experience some constipation from increased protein intake. There are a few things to do to help with this. Increased liquids help, activity (mobility) helps this by keeping parastalsis going (the action in your bowels that propels fod through your intestines) The less active we are, the less active our bowels are, and miralax can be a lifesaver.
I hope this helps you some. Unfortunately, some of these issues are things that only your doctor is qualified to answer. The best I can do is offer my experiences and what I know with you.
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!
Lisa, I am in total agreement with Patrece on all accounts. Make sure you call your doctor again to talk to them about your concerns and make sure that you drink your liquids so as not to dehydrate. I am sending you hugs and hope you are feeling better soon.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!
We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird names,
& all are different colors....but they
ALL exist very nicely in the same box.
(Author Unknown)