Bariatric Journey

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on 2/28/08 11:19 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: Osteopenia/osteoporosis
4 years ago I was diagnosed with borderline low bone density - advised to continue my calcium citrate, Vitamin D and weight training.  when I had a dexascan 2 years later I had about a 10% loss in my bone density score and was advised to add Actonel to the regimin. NOW I am recently diagnosed with very severe osteopenia.   My Dexascan shows that the density in my hips is almost to the point of osteoporosis. Fortunately my spine, while it has lost some, is still at the lower end of the "normal" range. the Actonel I took did not help and I lost a whole bunch more bone density. So I am being treated with an IV med called Reclast that helps stop the loss.  It is in the same family as Fosamax, Boniva etc, but since it is IV I don't have to worry about it absorbing through my intestines.  I do however have to worry about my absorption of Calcium and Vitamin D.    The really big  part I hate is that the Dr said in 2 years when I have my next Dexascan that the best I can hope for is that I will have no more loss.  after that I may have some improvement, but it is slow, and most people  who are at this point need to have lifetime treatment.  I have done a ton of research and what I have learned is that any one who loses a large amount of weight loses bone density - whether they have a gastric bypass or not.  So while gastric bypass patients have a high rate of osteoporosis - they would if they lost weight by other means as well.  So I can't blame just the gastric bypass.  I  had YEARS of poor nutrition prior to my gastric bypass, in my younger years - when I was supposed to be banking calcium into my bones I was not drinking milk or getting anywhere near adequate calcium. I was also pregnant as a teenager when I should have been building my bones I was growing a baby.  ( actually 3 babies at the age of 22) my morbidly obese years were  years of poor nutrition and a sedntary lifestyle - a recipe for osteoporosis.  Drinking Pop also affects bone development and I drank a lot of that in my childhood - and it helps pull calcium out of your bones.  I am also ( ahem) an "older" woman.  ( how the hell did that happen????) after menopause women tend to lose bone density as they lose their estrogen.  Since my menopausal symptoms have been mild I have never used any hormone replacement therapy as there are risks from that as well, and I never felt my symptoms were enough to warrent it. Maybe I should have done that - to protect my bones. I don't know. The ortho Dr said that adding HRT to the mix would not give any additional benefits over the Reclast alone.  Get your dexascans and follow through with any and all recommendations - discuss it in detail with your DR and do not hesitate to see a specialist in the area for treatment if necessary.  I will post more info later on osteoporosis.

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/28/08 10:15 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: Goal setting
I wanted to post about "goals"  I don't really mean just hte number on the scale, although that may be one type of goal. I am looking at goals like changing a behavior.  Just saying I want to weigh XXX pounds is one kind of goal, but how do we reach it? I think making goals that are based on changing behavior may be more effective ( just my personal theory)  so, I might pick a goal of exercising 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week.  The goal should be challanging, but realistic - not to be too easy or set yourself up for failure.  break the goal into steps along the way - points at which you will reward yourself. My first step will be to write down that goal. Get a beautiful journal that you can be proud of. Or Make a poster to hang in your bathroom where you see it daily,  or a nice "scrapbook" page, in other words, something special and meaningful to you that you will be proud of and look at daily.   then  set a date. Maybe a month or two away. This will be the date you want to be meeting that goal by.  Make a plan on how you will reach that goal. write the plan  in your journal. For example, if you are just starting exercising, 30 minutes in a row maybe more than you can handle, but maybe now you can do 5 or 10 minutes.  so do that, then next week try to go 12 minutes, the week after 15 minutes.  or maybe 10 minutes 3 times a day.   Plan for it - set aside a certain time each day to work on your goal.   for example I will exercise for 10 minutes before my AM shower, and 10 minutes before bed this week and 15 minutes next week.  write that in your journal as well. Enlist a support system - do you have a friend or spouse who will work with you? support you? In your special journal or poster each day write in your progress.  Give yourself a little leeway, we all take an occasional step backwards, we are just human.  if you have a bad day, or even a bad week, forgive yourself and move on. when you meet your goal for the week , say last week you could only exercise for 10 minutes and this week you can exercise for 15 with out stopping you deserve a reward.  what kind of rewards? Well, (I have done this and I know it happens and it was not the best idea ) not food.  yes I have rewarded my workout with a cookie -  but am working to change that mindset.  So what would be a good reward?  Something special for you that you would not ordinarily treat yourself to. A nice bubble bath with a nice scented candle and some quiet time just for you. a pretty pair of earrings ( they don't change size like everything else does - so I love them as a reward.) a manicure pedicure a massage a new work out outfit  a new pair of walking shoes  a movie you have been wanting to see a new book fro the library to read,    the sense of pride in the accomplishment is also a reward in itself. I'd love to see everyone else's ideas on rewards as well. these are kind of girly so if there are any guys out there they can add to the list. 

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/28/08 9:44 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: Welcome to Bariatric_Journey
we are here and planning to have a good time.

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/28/08 9:43 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: Welcome to Bariatric_Journey
It is nice to meet you!

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/28/08 9:43 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: Welcome to Bariatric_Journey

This is fabulous Welcome!!!

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/28/08 9:39 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: Welcome to Bariatric_Journey
I am ACE certified ( American Council on Exercise) I took classes thru my local community college, ACE also has home study programs and live workshops.  ace is a nationally recognized certification program. I had to pass an exam to be certified. the groups are a smaller more personal way to interact, and I am hoping to take it to the next level with  having actual support group meetings in my area. Working on details and logistics.

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

(deactivated member)
on 2/28/08 8:35 am, edited 2/28/08 9:32 am - Miramar Beach, FL
Topic: RE: Welcome to Bariatric_Journey
Hi ya'll,  I'm not really familiar with OH "Groups", and how they differ from the other forums, can someone explain it to me?   Congrats on passing your test to be a personal trainer, Willow.  I'm thinking of moving in that direction myself.  I'm taking a Spinning instructor course in early April, and will think about the next step after that.  What kind of course and/or certification did you take?  I'm not really sure where to begin, but I'm looking into some courses in exercise physiology.  I love learning about the body, and how it responds to nutrition and exercise.  But, there's so much conflicting information out there that it boggles the mind! ETA:  Is this a local group? I just notice you're all from Illinois.  If so, I must be in the wrong place!  Tami
w8'n no more
on 2/28/08 7:44 am - middle of, IL
Topic: RE: Welcome to Bariatric_Journey
Hey, look at us "Chicago" girls.  We DO exist LOL!  This is great Willow.  Hope we all can get together.  Thanks for inviting me to the group.  This is great!
Surgery Date 10/21/05  Dr. Anthone
Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire!
Patricia N.
on 2/27/08 2:00 pm - Glendale Heights, IL
Topic: RE: Welcome to Bariatric_Journey
I'm nearby as well!  Nice to meet you ladies, and thanks for starting this group, Willow!  
on 2/27/08 9:54 am - Hoffman Estates, IL
Topic: RE: Welcome to Bariatric_Journey
Hey Willow!  You are right  in my backyard.  Would love to be part of your group. Ronna
Regards and hugs,
