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on 3/3/08 8:50 pm - hamilton, OH
Topic: RE: thyroid cysts
Hello!! Thanks so much for responding.  I did get the ultrasound yesterday but they will not tell you anything. I know that she pressed pretty hard and it actually felt like I could feel them. I am thinking now Why didnt I feel those. anyhow, I went into the chapel after it and wrote down a prayer. There are these books in there that people can write prayers down. and ofcourse i have prayed and I feel I am just going to let it go and have faith. The doctor should call today or tomorrow and tell me whats next.  I have no idea if I would be catching it early I know that my back and sholders have been in pain for over a month. I am just glad I didnt ignore the pain and I am also glad that when the doctor just wanted to call some pain meds in I insisted on getting an xray or something thats when he ordered the mri. would we have ever found the cysts if there was no mri on my back.  who knows. I am hoping for the best.  Your words are very kind and appreciated! God Bless. Hope your having a wonderful day!! Tammy
on 3/3/08 5:33 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: thyroid cysts
Let me know how the ultrsound goes.  In the meantime, take a deep breath and remember as yous said 95% of the time these are non cancerous.  even if it were - you are catching it early - right?  from what i have read even in the very rare chance it were cancer - it is very treatable with surgery with an excellent prognosis. So you are going to be there for those little kids.  HUGS!!!

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/29/08 11:45 pm - hamilton, OH
Topic: thyroid cysts
Hi everyone!  thanks for adding me! I have a question! had to get an mri because my neck and back have been hurting so bad for weeks now. They said my spine is ok but they found some cysts in my thyroid glands. Kind of scary have an ultra sound Monday! Has anyone ever heard of this? I did do a little research and found that 95% of these cysts are non cancerous. so that comforts me a little. but I am still scared. I have 3, 4 year olds and I want to make sure they have a good life if something happens to me. 
on 2/29/08 1:01 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: Hi Willow
it has been hectic - my family has had one crisis after the other.  UP and DOWN  like a roller coaster ride. I was sick much of Feb. and am just now feeling human - had a stomach virus that really hit me hard and knocked me off my feet.   then a back injury that I am now in PT for.  I did manage to take off the 10 pounds I had gained in NOV ( really serious stress accompanied by lots of emotional eating)  I think things will be looking up in a few weeks. HUGS!

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/29/08 12:57 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: get together
Lucy M is sponsoring a get together at her clubhouse on Saturday April 19 at 4 pm.  It is a WLS friendly potluck  - should be a lot of fun, a chance to get together and meet a lot of wonderful and fun people.  Lucy is  a sweetheart!,messageboard/action,r eplies/board_id,4816/cat_id,4416/topic_id,3532843/

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/29/08 11:53 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: Osteopenia/osteoporosis
I am actually a grandmother of 3, the tiny pic on my posts does a good job of hiding the crows feet and grey hairs LOL.   my list of annual labs is endless it seems.  I have yearly a CBC, Complete metabolic panel whi*****ludes  electrolytes(sodium, cloride , potassium, calcium, etc,)  BUN, Creatnine, (which check kidney function) glucose, liver panel(includes liver enzymes, and bilirubin) . lipid panel,  B-12, folate, albumin, total protein, magnesium, iron, total iron binding capacity, iron saturation, ferritin,  every thing was excellent - and I get copies of my labs so I can track for trends - I do not trust just hearing "normal"  I want to know if there are changes or maybe drops that are still in the normal range but maybe going in the wrong direction, that might need intervention before they become abnormal. this year I also had an ionized calcium - which is actually a better representation of the actual amount of free calcium in your blood,  and vitamin D2 and D3, and Parathyroid level, due to the large loss of bone I had. sometimes a hyperparathyroid will cause your body to pull calcium out of your bones, so that had to be ruled out.  the D2 was borderline on the lower side so I am upping my vit D intake.  all of my labs have been very good,  but in some things they just dont tell the whole picture.  The dexascan is so important - and if your calcium - and D have probelms on your labs, be sure to follow up carefully.

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/29/08 11:24 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: Goal setting
OUCH a torn rotaor cuff sounds really painful - hope the surgery makes it better - be sure to keep up with PT after too.  with that ype of injury I think you really need a physical therapist.  They have generally so much education and are great resources.  I actually injured my back recently and am seeing  aa physical therapist for help with that - I knew a lot of th exercises, but they can do som eother great stuff - been having the electrical stimulation treatments and  massage therapy, they also may do som eultra sound treatments.  As far as Orthos - I really only know the ones where I work.

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 2/29/08 1:54 am - somewhere, IL
Topic: Hi Willow
Thank you for inviting me to join your group.... I didnt even now that they hard started stuff like this... I have been so busy with everything... my son joined the army and writing and keeping track of things for him... And looking for a job has keep me busy...  How you doing this days??  I miss everyone... hugs

Love Marie        My Space          I am a Army mom     

w8'n no more
on 2/28/08 5:46 pm - middle of, IL
Topic: RE: Goal setting
WOW!  You are a certified personal trainer!   That has to be rewarding!!  I recently tore a good section of my rotator cuff.  I haven't been able to swim for 3 months now.  Looks like surgery since PT has not worked, and I'm actually trending backwards.  I think it is very important to find an exercise that you enjoy (or can at least stand).  I hate stairstepping, but LOVE to swim and kinda got fanatic about it.  I used to be a long distance runner before a 1995 crash that left me with a reconstructed foot.  I was really messed up both physically and then mentally by this.  A year of surgeries and PT to get back even walking without a cane.  Being able to swim laps gave me that adrenaline high again since I could do it long enough and hard enough.  I think there is definitely a personality for every type of exercise.  Now weight lifting to me is like hauling around boxes of rocks.  But I do it, because I know it is good for us.  Anyway, after I get this rotator cuff fixed, I plan to get back in that damn pool.  I LONG for it LOL!  BTW, who is the best ortho guy you know?  I'm going with Durkin and Dwroski from Hindsdale Ortho right now.  Just picking your brain . . .
Surgery Date 10/21/05  Dr. Anthone
Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire!
w8'n no more
on 2/28/08 5:36 pm - middle of, IL
Topic: RE: Osteopenia/osteoporosis
First, let me say you do not LOOK like an older woman LOL!  You look like a puppy!   And a very cute one at that. Second, I had a complete set of labs done recommended by Michelle from Vitalady.  Turns out I'm anemic and have a problem with my D and calcium.  I would have never known any of this because Dr. Anthone only does a metabolic panel.  That showed everything in the normal range.  It was the specific tests for D, A, calcium, etc. that showed the problems.  I have a 150 common channel which makes me closer to a distal RNY than a DSer.  I'm just really glad I decided to do this now before things start tanking enough to cause permanent damage.  I think it is very important that we are proactive.  Dr. A is a GREAT surgeon, but the followup nutrition stuff?  I think he and other great surgeons have a ways to go on that.  BTW - my dexascan was at the top of the chart on bone density, so my bones are still great.  Hopefully we will head this off at the pass.  I'm hoping, Willow, that they can help you turn things around. 
Surgery Date 10/21/05  Dr. Anthone
Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire!