Bariatric Journey

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on 9/17/09 11:36 pm - Tyronza, AR
Topic: RE: great article
Thanks Willow, very interesting article.

Just Meee aka Linda    
Come join me in the Bariatric Buddy Group
Highest weight 406, Surgery weight 386, and now on the Losers Bench! 

on 9/17/09 8:51 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: great article id=104


i encourage all to read this article it is really good!

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 9/7/09 9:12 am
Topic: RE: Hi
 Check out the one at Centegra Woodstock.  Second Mondays at 6p, and 4th Sat. at 10a.
Might be moving to Huntley soon. 
I love the mtgs and we have other Kane center patients. 
Good luck! 

Same days it doesn't pay to chew the restraints off...   

Kristi H.
on 8/22/09 11:55 am - Elgin, IL
Topic: Hi
Just joined this this an "online support group" or do you have meetings?

I had surgery almost 5 years ago and have gained almost 40 lbs back...ongoing battle...

Is anybody else in this group struggling?

I am also looking for a support group that has meetings.  I have been to the one thru the Kane group..who did my sugery and was not impressed nor the fact that you have to pay for attending,

on 7/23/09 3:32 pm - Clarkdale, AZ
Topic: New to the group but not to losing! Hi Everyone!
Hi...I was so pleased to hear of this forum....I had the GBS/RNY on Dec. 2, 2008.   I would really  love to make some new wls friends.  We do not have a support group here in Cottonwood AZ and I would lke to be able to interact with those that have things in common.

Thanks for letting me join!
Have a Good one!

(deactivated member)
on 7/9/09 1:35 am - Rockford, IL
Topic: Lap Band and Hiatal Hernia
Hi Im new to the group. I havent had the lap band surgery yet but Im going to the seminar on July 11/09.
I originally contacted the University of Wisconsin Madison and was going to their seminar. (was thinking of having it done there originally) I told them I had a hiatal hernia and they told me to get and upper GI and send them the results. I did that and the doctor that took the Xrays told me it was a small hernia. Well, they doctors at the UW said that it was medium large so they recommended i do reg. gastric bypass surgery instead of the band. I dont know why they wont fix it, as Im reading all over the blogs on the  net that other doctors just fix them big and small no problem. I wrote them a letter but guess they are too busy to answer my questions so I can only think that its a money thing. Figure that the gastric is a lot more than the band. I heard the band was like 14,000 and reg. gastric bypass was like 26,000. What else am I suppose to think when they wont talk to me?

Anyhoo, I looked up St. Alexius and will go to their seminar on Saturday. I hope they fix the hiatal hernia's there. Has anyone had that done at St. Alexius with Dr. Kane? I have to go to a medicare approved facility and there are not that many in the area.

Sure would appreciate all replys. Thanks

Looking forward to lap band -
Judy Nelson
on 7/6/09 3:55 am
Topic: RE: wls friendly restaurants

I just got a great site from Work. Check it out !

Same days it doesn't pay to chew the restraints off...   

on 7/2/09 1:58 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: wls friendly restaurants

What do you look for in a wls friendly restaurant?

I eat out at least once a week and often more. I eat at a variety of places and I like fine dining. I rarely do fast food - and buffets are blah - only for when I am with a group and everyone else wants to go there and I just go along because they are my friends.

I have a restaurant card - but have never used it and never will. and if I split an entree I tip as if we each had ordered a full entree. the server had to wait on 2 people even though we ordered one meal and he/she deserves to be compensted for the effort given.  (former waitress who hated being stiffed by cheap people - off my soapbox)

 I really eat at all sorts of places - Japanese/sushi  is my favorite, followed by italian, then maybe french.  Chinese food does not agree with me post op for some reason. I can eat rice in sushi and rice I cook myself, but not rice from a chinese place, and for some reason - chinese food even with out the rice give me a belly ache.

I can't say that I have ever gone to a restaurant that I didn't find something appropriate for me to eat. every place offers salads, grilled chicken, or I can order a sandwich and skip most of the bread since bread fills me up too much and then I can't eat the other good stuff in my sand wich. 

I eat at Panera regularly- get the pick 2 - 1/2 sandwich and 1/2 salad, eat the sandwich now and salad later.  or if I order a whole sandwich I eat all the filling and 1/4 - 1/2 of the bread depending on how thick the bread is.  


I have never eaten any place that denied me splitting an entree if I wished to, or just ordering an appetiser if that was what I wanted. I generally order what I want and take home the extra,  If I don't eat it some one will.  

In the past 2 weeks I have had french food - I ordered fish, with a lemony sauce, and had 2 meals from it, at an italian restaurant I ordered a ribeye steak, with a brandied demi - glace and topped with crumbled blue cheese ( I am sure not a low cal dish) but I took 3 meals to fini**** anothe rmeal I ordered grilled salmon topped with a little mix of avacodo , tomato, onion, and a balsamic glaze, on a bed of grilled asparagus. ( OMG it was so good)

I eat real food and I follow an eating plan, but it includes all food groups.  I aim to eat healthy carbs but not severly low carb. I never went severely low carb, since i have been on solid food I have aimed for a healthy balance of all of the nutrients. I generally am able to get in 100+  grams of protein with out the use of protein shakes or bars.


I saw Chef Dave speak at the chicago OH event and I follow pretty much the philospphy he stated - I eat what all healthy people are supposed to be eating in the portions they should be eaten.


I would love very much to hear others ideas on eatin gout please share.

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 6/30/09 2:16 am
Topic: RE: what can we do to make this a better more active and dynamic board?

I would love to discuss local issues. Like post surgery friendly resturants and places to go with friends and family.

Also I joined hoping to connect with local people going through same issues.

I live in Huntley and work in the Loop.  I'm sure there are others out there that commute, work full time and raise families too..

Just some ideas.


Same days it doesn't pay to chew the restraints off...   

on 6/29/09 12:28 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: RE: what can we do to make this a better more active and dynamic board?

Hopefully, you can post messages and other member will answer, and you can post answers to other posts. if you have any good info on maintaining compliance to the healthy lifestyle or any thing we can use please feel free to share. Hopeing to make this a positive, supportive, caring place to visit!


10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   
