Bariatric Journey

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on 6/8/14 7:00 am
Topic: Illinois,WLS

Hi,im new to the group looking for friends and support groups.I have always had a weight problem.Did all kind of diets,exercise threw out the yrs..I thought about it for yrs.and want to have WLS.Where do I start? I want to start going to support group in my area but cant find any.I live in centralia, illinois.I also cant find a doctor in my area what I do find is so far away.I have toget a ride everywhere I go cause I have no car. Where do I start at? Thank you

on 4/24/12 4:12 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: what would help you?

We have over 250 members! that is phenominal. what would help to get the message board more active? Is there anything you would like to discuss? questions? concerns. No topic off limits....

bring it on!

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 12/27/10 1:13 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: Happy Holidays!

Hope everyone is well and healthy. the holidays can bring some drama and sometimes issues with food. how are you all doing? Remember each day is only one day. No one day is a life breaker.  I have seen on onther forums where people say if you break from your eating plan you will throw away ALL of your HARD WORK. No, this is not true. If you have been doing well and you go of the program for 1 day , you just went off for 1 day. or a week. so what. you can go back on your program as soon as you choose to do so.  You will not regain 100 pounds in one holiday season. So take it easy on yourself, be forgiving. no guilt. Take each day one at a time. Eat for health. get in your appropriate amount of protein, eat your veggies, and get enough calcium.  Take your vitamins.  Do a little exercise. Even parking at the back of the lot and taking the stairs instead of the escalator helps.

have a wonderful day and a happy new year.


10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 10/18/10 6:03 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: Good Morning

How is everyone doing? 

It has been a busy summer. we have been working to get ready to sell our house to downsize, but kind of put it on the back burner til next year I think.

I have been doing some bike riding, but most of my exercise has been working to strengthen my back and core muscles as I have had a lot of back pain, I learned that I have a third disk bulging. However the exercise are very good and I am stronger and much less pain.

What are you doing for exercise?  what is your favorite? I really think exercise should be fun and that finding something fun is  the only way to keep it up!

have a great day & post soon!

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 9/24/10 3:51 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: 8 years
Saturday September 25th will be my 8 year anniversary post op. WOW.  hard to believe. What is even harder to believe is how long it has been since I have posted. In my earlier post op days I was here all the time. Now, I just don't have time. Life has been busy. I'm still maintaining, I was 134 this morning. I still work out, fairly regularly. I live a more active lifestyle, I eat healthy most of the time.  I still follow basically what I have followed since the first year. Daily - 6oz meat, fish chicken or vegetarian alternative, 3-4 dairy servings a day, 2-3 veggies, 2 or 3 fruits, and 3-4 whole grains. No drinking protein. It puts me at about 1500 - 1700 calories a day, and I aim for 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats, although I havn't tracked on in quite a long time. I think my diet has evolved a bit, I may eat a bit less protein and a bit more complex carbohydrates. I have not had protein shakes since my immediate post op period except for after plastic surgery. Every bit of research I have done that is actually done with studies  shows that the balance over the long term is key to maintainence. I have never been on a very low carb diet. My tips for long term - 5-6 small meals  a day. Always eat breakfast. No excuses, whether you want to or not. Your body will adjust and learn to like it. It makes your metabolism get going for the day. High fiber, moderate protein, moderate fats, moderate carbs, and physical activity every day.  No excuses. whether you want to or not.  Surgery is not a magic bullet. No matter what surgery you have, it is only a tool.

For those who don't know, I had my surgery on my real 42nd birthday. This year I turn 50. It is nice to say - I am healthier on my 50th than I was on my 30th. 

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 6/3/10 12:56 am
Topic: I have a surgery date! WOO HOO!!!!!!!
I am so excited it's hard to put into words.

My mind is going in 100 directions.

My lap band surgery is set for July 9th at 8:00 a.m.

I'm so excited I feel like screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on 5/23/10 5:16 pm
Topic: RE: 7 years post op.
Hey you!  Kudos on all you've achieved and are ready to achieve!  WOOHOO!   You are a shining example to many!
Life IS worth living.  Give it a shot. 
Member since 2001 - RNY Open, distal-ish, July 22, 2002; Total lost 230 - regain 20 postop?  Really pretty dayum good!
on 5/14/10 7:24 am
Topic: Illinois new to group
I am a bariatric patient about an hour south of Chicago.
I am excited about my upcoming surgery.
I have finished all of my insurance/doctor prerequisits and am awaiting a surgery date.

My husband and my kids are behing me in my decision, and I am so ready.

on 12/10/09 6:42 am - Middletown, NJ
Topic: Introduction - New to this group
Greetings all,

I am a newbie to this group and to ObesityHelp in general.

I had my RNY October 12th by Dr. Alexander Abkin at St. Peter's Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ.

I am doign well so far.  I only had 3 instances of food wanting out of my stomach.

I am walking every day 45 minutes, more on the weekends.

I was 372 before the surgery and went on Nutrisystem to lose weight prior to the surgery.  I was 349 on my surgery day and today I am 295.

A few days ago my boss gave me his old BowFlex.  I started my strength training exercises this past Monday.

Well - Hello to everyone.



Includes 23 lbs lost on Nutrisystem from Sep 5, 2009 - Oct 12, 2009
Highest 382 / Pre-Surg Diet 372.5 / Pre-Surg 349 / Current 177.3 Goal 178
on 10/21/09 4:57 am - Lake In The Hills, IL
Topic: 7 years post op.

My surgery is now over 7 years ago. Hard to believe. In the past year I have had no complications related to surgery. My labs still perfect. (better than most non- surgical people according to the Dr. ) I am following the same diet - more or less. My weight remains fairly stable with 5 pound fluctuations up & down depending on the time of the month.

 Funny thing is -  I don't do what the weight loss surgery diva experts tell me I am supposed to do. I haven't used protein shakes since my inital liquid diet - except for a few during illness or recovery from plastic surgery several years ago - because I found they put weight on me.  I never did the super low carb "Atkins" style diet.  I don't buy "sugar free" substitutes for real foods. (ie all the sugar alcohol sweetened candies, cookies, cakes etc) The dietician I saw numerous times before and after surgery emphasized a  balanced and moderate approach with all the food groups represented, including whole grain breads, etc. using portion control. I eat pretty much everything and if I want a dessert at home I make things that are healthier for the most part, but if I am dying for my favorite chocolate chip coconut almond cookies I bake them, save a couple for me and give away the rest. that tends to be 3-4 times a year, instead of my preop weekly cookie baking. and keeping all of them and finishing them. I bake my favorite couple of kinds of Christmas cookies but After Christmas all the leftover Christmas cookies go in the garbage can. I have no shame about the waste. When I go out to eat I order what I want - get a box for what I don't eat and occasionally even get a dessert.

The healthy "naturally" thin people I know don't diet. They seem to eat moderate portions, mostly healthy foods, and they don't deny themselves. Many of them rarely if ever weigh themselves, if the pants get a little tight they cut back on the sweets or chips a little.

My diet still features lean meat, fish and chicken as well as some vegetarian dishes - ie veggie burgers, (at least 6 oz a day, divided over more than 1 meal) 3-4 dairy servings, several veggies, a couple fruits and 3-4 whole grain servings. I still eat 5-6 small meals a day. I still do some sort of physical activity daily. I have learned that physical activity can and should be FUN.

Over the years I have had ups and downs, some struggles, and definately some fears that I would "fail" and sometimes warnings that I would fail if I didn't do certain things like drink protein shakes or if I did ever let sugar pass my lips.

the worst time was about 3 years post op, I had gained back a small amount of weight and freaked out. I decided to see a therapist, to sort out my issues with food, and why I over eat or make poor choices. This was truely one of the best decisions I could have made. Losing weight can break us out of our "comfort zone." 

The more I learn about surgery, post op, weight gains post op, the psychological dynamics of what happens to us,  and our relationships, the reactions of others to us and us to ourselves. I am amazed so many make it through unscathed. The rate of cross addictions, divorces, regains speak to the immense pressure placed on WLS people.

What I have learned is ... I am not so diferent fom other normal weight people as I had thought or maybe been told I am.  I have learned that normal weight people also occasionally eat for emotional reasons. That food is  a part of every culture in celebration, mourning, fellowship, and just maybe that is OK too. Maybe that making it so forbidden, or calling it bad and giving ourselves guilt and shame is where much of the problem may lie. That I need not define my self by an eating disorder, that I have to learn to love my self regardless of the size or shape of my body. (still learning to like my thighs , but that is another story :) 

 I still have a lot of years ahead of me to live, so I can't say how it will all turn out in the end, but, so far - so good.



10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   
