Bariatric Journey

8 years

on 9/24/10 3:51 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
Saturday September 25th will be my 8 year anniversary post op. WOW.  hard to believe. What is even harder to believe is how long it has been since I have posted. In my earlier post op days I was here all the time. Now, I just don't have time. Life has been busy. I'm still maintaining, I was 134 this morning. I still work out, fairly regularly. I live a more active lifestyle, I eat healthy most of the time.  I still follow basically what I have followed since the first year. Daily - 6oz meat, fish chicken or vegetarian alternative, 3-4 dairy servings a day, 2-3 veggies, 2 or 3 fruits, and 3-4 whole grains. No drinking protein. It puts me at about 1500 - 1700 calories a day, and I aim for 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats, although I havn't tracked on in quite a long time. I think my diet has evolved a bit, I may eat a bit less protein and a bit more complex carbohydrates. I have not had protein shakes since my immediate post op period except for after plastic surgery. Every bit of research I have done that is actually done with studies  shows that the balance over the long term is key to maintainence. I have never been on a very low carb diet. My tips for long term - 5-6 small meals  a day. Always eat breakfast. No excuses, whether you want to or not. Your body will adjust and learn to like it. It makes your metabolism get going for the day. High fiber, moderate protein, moderate fats, moderate carbs, and physical activity every day.  No excuses. whether you want to or not.  Surgery is not a magic bullet. No matter what surgery you have, it is only a tool.

For those who don't know, I had my surgery on my real 42nd birthday. This year I turn 50. It is nice to say - I am healthier on my 50th than I was on my 30th. 

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   
