Bariatric Journey

emotional eating

on 3/10/08 11:25 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
One of the things that got me to obese was coping with my feelings by stuffing them down with food.  After surgery and while the weight was peeling off it wasn't such an issue. But, once my weight was stabilized and  new stresses were coming up the emotional eating raised its ugly head again.  Particualrly last winter. I was going through a really rough time emotionally.  huge family issues, changes at work, plastic surgery complications,  issues with the plastic  surgeon,  the list goes on. I managed to gain 10 pounds over about a 3 week period.  I was horrified when I saw that  number on my scale.  But in the long run, it might have been a good thing for me, because it forced me to address my issues of emotional eating. I had been seeing a therapist and on antidepressants (and needed more) and a psychaitrist for med managment. I totally broke down in the psychiatrists office sobbing about the weight loss and out of control eating, and inability to deal with my emotions  with out food.  and that I was tempted to throw up when I over eat, but not actually doing that.  She adjusted my antidepressants, added a new one etc. had a reaction to the new antidepressant so had to change again, so that was a process that required a very knowledgeable shrink and my willingness to keep following up and working to gether  - also my honesty in opening up to deal with the problem.  Getting my clinical depression under  control was a helpful first step. Having a chemical imbalance makes it difficult to function properly or to think straight.  Next is the issue of learning to cope with emotions in other ways. Here are a few things I am learning. the going is slow and there are no overnight changes.  journalling - many journal food intake, to try to control that - but do you journal your emotions? I went to the book store and bought a gorgeous blank journal that reflected me. I am trying to write in it frequently - daily would be ideal and write out how I am feeling, good, bad or indifferent. I am also writing about the issues, relationship etc that are on my mind and causing me distress. I mull over   ideas of how I might handle thse problems. putting the feelings on paper helps get them out.  sometimes helps me find solution I might not have otherwise considered. when I find myself wanting to eat to soothe myself, I am trying to stop and examine that feeling- what exactly is it. How does it feel. analyze it. and just let myself feel the feeling. ( talk about a hard thing - but it needs to be done)  one of the issues I have found is I feel resentment when I say yes to people when NO would have been a healthier answer for ME.  learning to say no is freeing. One thing I am learning is that just saying no is enough,. I don't have to explain or justify.  I have also learned that saying no  can be a gift to the person you say it to, they may learn to be more self sufficient, independant if they know mom isn't going to save them every time. I am trying to learn to express my feelings to my family in a healthy way - not holding it all in until I explode, not stuffing myself on food to not feel it, but to just say that makes me feel sad, mad, glad, dissapointed, etc.  I am learning to take something for myslef - time, and also pleasures.  Yes, I work hard, I deserve a massage. ( and it is relaxing, makes me feel good about my body and reduces stress)  in the evening I am trying to take some time to myself, I light scented candles, read a good book and enjoy a little of my own company.  I buy myself flowers as well.  Exercise.  did you know exercise has been shown to be as effective a treatment for mild to moderate depression as meds?  I also get a sense of pride when I can do more than I did last week, lift a little heavier, go a little faster, stretch a little farther. I had been sick most of January and pretty much all of february - and also hurt my back, so my exercise routine took a big hit.  I went to the DR. and got and RX for physical therapy. I highly recommend it.  Even though I certified as a trainer, my knowledge is with normal healthy uninjured exercise. I do not have near the knowledge of a physical therapist - mine has a doctorate in PT.  He is teaching me so much and I feel my self getting stronger and feeling better.  exercise makes me feel better about my body - helps me focus on having a healthy body rather than the numbe on the scale, and amzingly wwhen I do that the weight stabilizes where it should be. ( the 10 pounds are history now) try making a list of things you enjoy  besides food that are stress relieves that you can do when your emotions are getting the best of you. first allow yourself to feel your feelings.  then have some fun. Some stress relievers for me a massage ( from a massage therapist.- DH is not co-operative in giving a relaxing massage)  mani & pedi take a walk ( when there is not 50 inches of snow) Go to  the gym and sweat it off do some yoga, at home with my own moves or a video or go to a class get out my exercise ball and do some crunches.  write in the journal post on OH email a friend work in my garden vaccum ( I know weird - but it is instant gratification)  take the grandkids to the playground and play like I am the same age as they are ( 5& 7) go on the slides, swings etc. with them.  call a friend maybe get a support buddy you can call who will talk you out of the fork - kind of like an AA sponsor meditate I would love to see others suggestions!!!

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks   


 Bike Riding   

on 6/23/09 12:54 pm - dingmans ferry, PA
and here i thought i just needed to lean how to eat  i truly forgot emotion plays a huge role with eating  thank you for sharing that
