Bariatric Journey


welcome to new mwmbers,
April 23, 2009 2:37 pm

welcome to all the new members.

It is good to have you in the group. I am hoping to get some discussion going in th emessage boards. so please post. 

here is a topic/ question


Stress management is a big issue for everyone these days.  food used to be the "drug of choice"  to deal with lifes dissapointments, frustraions, losses.

What skills ar eyou using now that you did not before. I am going to list a few I have learned and am finding useful.


1. I am (trying to ) learn that I do not have to be all things to all people or fix others problems.

this has been a frequent issue for me especially with family. It is freeing to let them sometimes figure out their own way, and better for them too.  It is also better to let them make and live with their mistakes rather than trying to  prevent/ fix it all.


2. relation exercises.  Letting go of stress by by Dr Emmet Miller - available on CD,  on amazon. I loaded it onto my Ipod. it has several relaxation exercises, each takes only 20 minutes and i feeel rested aferwards.


3. yoga.  whether classes or using a dvd it helps empty the mind of stress and negative thought.


4. a grattitude list. I am trying ( when I can) to list in my journal a couple things I am grateful for as often as I can. they can be as simple as the sun was shining today to my gratitude for being able to walk several miles or go up and don my stairs with out gettng winded.

 5 physical exercise. it is a great release. it raises endorphins which are the feel good chemicalsin ou bodies.  it doesnt have to be "exercise"  dance around the living room. ride a bike just for fun.  play ball or frizbee with your kid or dog. roller skate.

I go to the park with my grandkids and go on the swings and slides.  it is fun and freeing.


lets see some of YOUR ideas!


HUGS to all


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April 14, 2009 5:15 pm
Life has been out of control....

the only good thing i have to say is so far I am not gaining weight from it.  in times of extreme stress it is important to remember and apply the principles of controlling emoptional hunger and emotional eating.  stress management.  my stress management tool box is a little light at the moment.  However certain tried and true methods will work with out a lot of need for outside help. EXCERCISE. taking a walk. ride my bike, work in the garden, go to the yoga class whether I feel like it or not.  forget the messy house for a while and light a nice smelling candle, lay on the couch and watch a funny belly laugh movie.  read a great book. go out with friends. My shrink said go ahead and have the piece of chocolate once in a while. and dont beat myself up over it. It seems the beating myself up leads to far more emotional eating and calorie intake than hte original infraction against my diet. Even "normal" poeple occasionally cope with a bite of chocolate.
I am working on improving at journaling my feelings. eventually that may help. Scrapbooking to alleviate some of the stressful feelings. occasionally just telling family I need a break and LETTING someen else take ove rfor a few hours.

please give me feedback! HUGS 
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February 28, 2008 11:19 am

4 years ago I was diagnosed with borderline low bone density - advised to continue my calcium citrate, Vitamin D and weight training. 
when I had a dexascan 2 years later I had about a 10% loss in my bone density score and was advised to add Actonel to the regimin. NOW
I am recently diagnosed with very severe osteopenia.   My Dexascan shows that the density in my hips is almost to the point of osteoporosis. Fortunately my spine, while it has lost some, is still at the lower end of the "normal" range. the Actonel I took did not help and I lost a whole bunch more bone density. So I am being treated with an IV med called Reclast that helps stop the loss.  It is in the same family as Fosamax, Boniva etc, but since it is IV I don't have to worry about it absorbing through my intestines.  I do however have to worry about my absorption of Calcium and Vitamin D.    The really big  part I hate is that the Dr said in 2 years when I have my next Dexascan that the best I can hope for is that I will have no more loss.  after that I may have some improvement, but it is slow, and most people  who are at this point need to have lifetime treatment. 

I have done a ton of research and what I have learned is that any one who loses a large amount of weight loses bone density - whether they have a gastric bypass or not.  So while gastric bypass patients have a high rate of osteoporosis - they would if they lost weight by other means as well. 
So I can't blame just the gastric bypass. 

I  had YEARS of poor nutrition prior to my gastric bypass, in my younger years - when I was supposed to be banking calcium into my bones I was not drinking milk or getting anywhere near adequate calcium. I was also pregnant as a teenager when I should have been building my bones I was growing a baby.  ( actually 3 babies at the age of 22) my morbidly obese years were  years of poor nutrition and a sedntary lifestyle - a recipe for osteoporosis.  Drinking Pop also affects bone development and I drank a lot of that in my childhood - and it helps pull calcium out of your bones. 

I am also ( ahem) an "older" woman.  ( how the hell did that happen????)
after menopause women tend to lose bone density as they lose their estrogen.  Since my menopausal symptoms have been mild I have never used any hormone replacement therapy as there are risks from that as well, and I never felt my symptoms were enough to warrent it. Maybe I should have done that - to protect my bones. I don't know. The ortho Dr said that adding HRT to the mix would not give any additional benefits over the Reclast alone. 

Get your dexascans and follow through with any and all recommendations - discuss it in detail with your DR and do not hesitate to see a specialist in the area for treatment if necessary.

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