Gastric Banding support group


Happy New Year!
January 21, 2014 12:10 am

I hope you are all doing well and surviving the January weather!  Here on the east coast we are in the midst of yet another snow storm with frigid temperatures.  It is challenging to stay focused:  drink plenty of non-caloric fluids, stay active, and avoid those high fat, high calorie comfort foods that slip so easily thru the band!.


Would love to hear from you.

Stay safe and warm,


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Are you planning a revision?
July 29, 2013 1:25 pm

I am interested in learning about band patients that are converting to a sleeve or other procedureI.  Please let me know how long you have had the band and what your insurance company has required to convert from band to sleeve or bypass. am

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Hope all our East Coast members...
February 9, 2013 10:48 am

Another storm  - about 9 inches of snow here in NJ. 

Does anyone have any bariatric-friendly recipes for comfort foods?  Having a support group next week and want to discuss winter food cravings.  Has anyone made mac and cheese with Unjury cheese sauce? 

Headed for the treadmill now - keep active even in this dreadful weather.

Best regards to all,


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Enjoy the Holiday Season!
November 26, 2012 12:19 pm

I hope this message finds you all well, especially those on the East coast that were effected by Hurricane Sandy.

This can be a challenging time of year.  Just remember to stay focused, exercise, and concentrate on all you success.

If anyone has advise for the group on getting thru the holiday season, please post and share.  The best suggestion I can give is to PLAN!!!  Try not to go to a party or social event without some eating strategies to avoid high calorie consequences,

Enjoy the Holiday!


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April 3, 2012 4:37 am

Hello All,

Hope this finds you well and enjoying the weather.  We were lucky this year with a mild winter.  Hopefully you are enjoying the opportunity to walk and smell the daffodils.

I am currently working at a WLS center in Hunterdon Co, NJ and enjoying meeting new patients all the time.  Please send me some of your latest success strategies and let me also know your struggles.  I helps to share and network on your journey - you never know how much you can help others!

Be well

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