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Reactive hypoglycemia -google that
Some of us post op RNY are more prone to that. Longer post op - The worse it may be. Our body responds with too much insulin after we eat carbs. As much as 20 times what normally would be needed. That causes Blood sugar (BS) to drop. we need carbs to bring it up, that may cause more insulin to be release, and the cycle begins.. sometimes it takes me 24 hr to stabilize my BS after a severe RH.
read this:
Data on Weight Gain Following Bariatric Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery has long been considered the gold standard for weight loss. However, recent studies have revealed that this particular operation can lead to potential weight gain years later. Lenox Hill Hospital’s Chief of Bariatric Surgery, Mitchell Roslin, MD, was the principal investigator of the Restore Trial – a national ten center study investigating whether an endoscopic suturing procedure to reduce the size of the opening between the gastric pouch of the bypass and the intestine could be used to control weight gain in patients following gastric bypass surgery. The concept for the trial originated when Dr. Roslin noticed a pattern of weight gain with a significant number of his patients, years following gastric bypass surgery. While many patients could still eat less than before the surgery and become full faster, they would rapidly become hungry and feel light headed, especially after consuming simple carbohydrates, which stimulate insulin production.
The results of the Restore Trial, which were published in January 2011, did not confirm the original hypothesis – there was no statistical advantage for those treated with suturing. However, they revealed something even more important. The data gathered during the trial and the subsequent glucose tolerance testing verified that patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery and regained weight were highly likely to have reactive hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood glucose drops below the normal level, one to two hours after ingesting a meal high in carbs. Dr. Roslin and his colleagues theorized that the rapid rise in blood sugar – followed by a swift exaggerated plunge – was caused by the absence of the pyloric valve, a heavy ring of muscle that regulates the rate at which food is released from the stomach into the small intestine. The removal of the pyloric valve during gastric bypass surgery causes changes in glucose regulation that lead to inter-meal hunger, impulse-snacking, and consequent weight regain.
Dr. Roslin and his team decided to investigate whether two other bariatric procedures that preserve the pyloric valve – sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch – would lead to better glucose regulation, thus suppressing weight regain. The preliminary data of this current study shows that all three operations initially reduce fasting insulin and glucose. However, when sugar and simple carbs are consumed, gastric bypass patients have a 20-fold increase in insulin production at six months, compared to a 4-fold increase in patients who have undergone either a sleeve gastrectomy or a duodenal switch procedure. The dramatic rise in insulin in gastric bypass patients causes a rapid drop in glucose, promoting hunger and leading to increased food consumption.
“Based on these results, I believe that bariatric procedures that preserve the pyloric valve lead to better physiologic glucose regulation and ultimately more successful long-term maintenance of weight-loss,” said Dr. Roslin.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I got 70 oz on day 1
At least 90 on day 2
Must have really helped because my weigh in yesterday i lost 3 lbs. Finally. This was my first loss since i got back on track a whole month now.
This week was exactly what I feared would happen last week, my weight loss was not nearly as good as the week before. I only lost a 1/2 lb. but its a loss and not a gain so I will take it. I've beat my self up for the last hour trying to figure out where I went wrong and honestly it could be a number of things....I slacked off as far as my meal planning went. I had my dinners planned but failed to plan my day in advance. The first week every morning I planned my day out while drinking my morning coffee. And I stuck to my day plan, its easier that way as I don't get hungry so I know what to eat and I just eat it. Guess what I will be doing again this week. I also slacked off on my vitamins...I missed a couple nights because I fell asleep on the couch watching tv with the family. I will start taking my vitamins with dinner. My water intake could have been better as well. I ordered a new cup and used it yesterday. Its the same style I had years ago that I got from weigh****chers and was my favorite go to for as long as I could remember. When it came in the mail the other day hubby just smiled. He knew exactly why I ordered it. It cost me less than $6. But If I fill it up 2x during the day I meet my daily requirements, it has measurements and a handle and it has a sliding disc on top that closes the lid. It came with a straw but I ditched that in the junk drawer. I also failed to check in and keep my self accountable. I did stay on track with my eating as far as high protein, low (almost no) carb. I'm struggling to figure out how many calories I need to be aiming for. I called the base nutritionist and he was less than helpful. He said not to worry about that to do what I'm doing and see how I feel at the end of the day. If I feel good then I'm eating enough and if I'm feeling run down then I need more calories. I don't guess he has ever had anyone in his life with fibromyalgia. I have put in a call and an email to my original Nut from Balboa. Just waiting on a response. Well I better run. I have another dentist appointment this morning. They have to replace one of the crowns from last week. Hopefully this will be the last major dentist appointment and after this it will just all be maintenance. Hope you all have a great day an I will check back in to read everyones posts from the week when I get back.
VSG 12/08/08
RNY 11/09/20
Hello all!
Yesterday went very well, although I did eat some snacks at the staff meeting - popcorn mainly, but a few bites of cookie. :-( Still, I stuck to all the rest and all in all am feeling pretty good.
Today's food plan
B: protein shake on the way to work, Greek 100 yogurt with 1/3 cup flax & pumpkin granola
L: 2.5 oz pork tenderloin with 1/2 serving Gourney cheese (leftover), 2 mini-peppers
s: 1 string cheese and 1 mini-pepper
D: 3-4 oz 80% lean hamburger patty, grilled, 1 slice cheese, A-1, 1/2 cup green beans
S: 1 protein shake with banana
To add potasium- I use the "no-salt" salt - sold commercially ,and add that liberally to my food. The carbs in bananas are too much for me.
Low carb diet may cause muscle cramps. To avoid that I use more salt (pickles, olives) supplement with magnesium and potasium. I add salt to my protein shake, mix it with most things.
With low carb diet- we lose lots of water - carbs keeps water in our muscles. Salt helps with that. I use pink Himalaya salt, or Celtic sea salt. Lots of minerals.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
On day 2, today barely 2!!
This so why I need this challenge!
I will do better, I did Move2Lose today!!
I have been chasing down a job for the last two days!!
I do apologize BOTT pals.
How are you doing?

With the banana, that was my doctor's suggestion. I wasn't getting enough potassium in my diet and was getting muscle cramps and some heart palpations as a result. Same with the beans - that was my doctor's suggestion.
I'm also going based on what the nutritionist suggested, although I can see where you're coming from. I do find low-carb works very well for me. I just need to make sure I'm getting the potassium as well . . .
Most Fruits trigger more hunger in me.
banana are so full of sugar - that I get RH from it.
While losing weight - I limit my fruits very drastically. I may splurge on some berries once every 2 weeks, but other than that -I make sure i have proteins, fats (i.e. avocado) and non starchy veggies.
that works best for me. When I need a treat - I measure 1.5 oz of nuts and eat that.
I would not chose granola to add to my greek yogurt- Greek yogurt already has natural sugars - and if I needed a crunch - I would just use crashed nuts.
I never could lose weight if i eat too many carbs.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I envy those that can tolerate fruits. I get rh from fruits and most grains.
My eats today
Breakfast. Coffee with 1 sweetn low and piwdered non dairy creamer
Snack. 1/2 Luna lemon zest protein bar
Lunch 3 chicken nuggets from burger king
Dinner. Scalloped potatoe corn Green bean and keilbasa casserole.