Back On Track Together
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That's what I want for my self as well, my health & to be and feel strong. I often wonder if I had kept up with exercise would I have been able to maintain my LW or be where I am now? which I doubt. The extra weight did not come on over night, but if we could make a wish for it to come off in one night, I am sure I would not be the only one wishing for that miracle. It just takes time. I can't stand seeing my full body reflection these days, because I see the excess weight gain and it makes me sick, how after going through everything to even have wls, & then I go and gain weight back. I feel like a failure, but I want to turn it back around, and I know with effort and time I can do it. I look forward to day of enjoying glance of me in the mirror/ reflection one day. And yes as you said, 1 pound @ a time!
The best thing going into this, is that it's possible if we work at it, each day, over time. we shall see good results. And it's true the hardest part, which you never believe until your there, is it is much harder to keep the weight off! and that is the absolute truth! I just keep thinking about how great I felt back in those honeymoon phase days!! The beginning of anything new is always harder, but over time you /WE will get used to being all healthy and mindful in your consumption and eating. like once before. It's so exciting & something to look forward too. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! Sounds like an awesome start to slimmer you! Can't wait to see a picture of you up on that horse!

I am still hanging on in here.
I brought a new scale today as if that's going to help?
I do feel some what better physically, but then the pain always show's back up in the morning? I have scheduled an appointment to see a rheumatologists, because I have self diagnosed my self with having "fibromyalgia" this chronic pain ongoing has gotten the best of me, and it's time to do something proactive about it. My goal is to be healthy & stronger! and losing this added 30lbs. plus another 20lbs. can't hurt. I really need to get on board with tracking my food.
B-Peach yogurt & nuts/water
L-Crabs/dipped in butter (zero carbs is how I look at my butter)
D-Cobb Salad?
Snacks- nuts/ cashews, gum, water, Gatorade
I will have to get used to tracking my foods regularly. I am still having spirits, & I know I have to say bye-bye not quite ready just yet, but I know it's a must if I want to see some real weight loss results. My clock is ticking on that, and I will keep you posted, I am treading lightly right now. In do time, I promise.
7 years post RNY WLS - And Day 3 of my own personally set 30 day challenge of no meat, no flour, no overt sugar, all H2o and protein - tracking all food - and eating 1600 calories a day. Working on exercise as well.
I ordered 10 pre made '22 Day' vegan meals and started them a few days ago. They are ok not great; but protein centered with lots of veggies, calorie counted/pre-measured, fresh made, and very filling. Having them ready to just heat and add a salad helps kick off my first week.
Concerned about my weight gain - going up fast this last 2 years. And sitting so much with 12 hour work days and retaining water. But first 3 days doing well and can already feel some water loss.
I want to weigh 175 by the time I am 55. It's a big I am breaking it down to my first goal: 30 days - 5 pounds. Very reasonable first goal. Yet still feels intimidating.
For inspiration, some people want to fit in a dress, or get ready for an event or milestone - I want to be smaller for my horse and for my riding. I compete on my horse and even at my lowest weight for English Saddle Seat riding I am usually twice as big as the smallest riders (they are very slim women young and old!!). I am very proud of my riding though and I know I inspire others who are large to ride horses and be athletic as 8 years in I have become accomplished with slow steady disciplined work and won some 1st places despite my size. Now I need to get back to applying that same focus and discipline to my eating! :^)
I do love my body and am grateful for the loss I have already had and know the body I have now is strong, healthy, attractive in it's own right, and very capable. But gaining back some of my weight I feel less attractive and less able and worried about more gain - not happy - don't want to wake up and be the big weight I once was and I know that could happen - so working to get back on
One day at a time - working on my 30 day challenge. Lord fill me with strength or purpose, honesty, motivation, and love for the goal and myself :^)
Hi Jennifer
People have relost weight many different ways. Some swear by the 5 day pouch test. Some eat high protein. I have been eating 4 veggies and 3 fruits and eat high fiber starches, a nut serving, plain Greek yogurt and low fat protein (a basic healthy diet). Many people can't eat the fruits and veggies following WLS.
I guess you could log everything you eat for a while and see what problems pop out at you. Then you can toss out or donate your "red light" food so they don't stare at you.
I think different things work for different people.
Good luck to you.
Good afternoon BOTTs
I finished the guest room yesterday. It took 3 hours spread out over the day. Today I am doing random cleaning and laundry. I cleaned out the hutch in the living room. More donations are in the garage.
My food dairy:
B: Jimmy dean delight
S: 2 plums and spinach/tomato/pepper salad with fat free dressing
L: beef, pasta, spaghetti sauce
S: 2 plums and plain Greek yogurt
D: chicken, whole grain tortilla, reduced fat cheese, spinach and veggie soup
S: nut crunch protein bar, apple
Have a great day everyone. Tri
Good day everyone, I am 15 years out with a 90 lb gain and I am looking to get back on track. I wonder if there is actually a program anyone can recommend or that offers to help us so we know what to eat/drink again. I have clearly gotten out of all the right things that I used to do after surgery.
Thanks and look forward to getting to know all of you.
I ate pretty good today.
Breakfast : 2 eggs 1\4 cup shredded mild cheddar
Snack : 1\2 hamburger patty. 1 tsp siracha mustard
Green tea and water
Lunch: 1\3 cup sugar free vanilla pudding
Dinner: 2 baked boneless chicken thighs 1 tsp bbq sauce
Tonights snack home made cucumber kimchi
It is another beautiful day in Wisconsin. 78 degrees and sunny. I washed the windows and curtains in my guestroom. I cleaned out the closet and the rest of the room and put away the toys. It took hours.
The eating plan today:
B: Jimmy dean whole grain delight sandwich
S: 2 plums and Greek yogurt
L: stuffed green pepper, spinach, tomato and reduced fat cheese on whole grain tortilla wrap.
S: banana and GReek yogurt
D: grilled chicken breast and veggie pasta and veggie soup
S: fruit salad, nut crunch protein bar, veggie soup
Have a great day everyone. TRi
Hi Nana
You were able to pull it back together at supper and the evening. That is hard to do. I usually give up the day if it goes bad in the afternoon. I also never thought of using lettuce in my roll ups. That's a great idea. Good luck to us tomorrow. TRi
Well i ate bad today but i must stay accountable.
Breakfast: cup of coffee with sweet n low and dry unsweetened creamer
Snacks: 2 home made cinnamon rolls And 16 nacho chrese Doritos
Dinner: 1\2 cup green beans 3 oz swiss steak 1\4 cup chicken rice a roni
Snack: 1 pc ham lettuce rollup with horseradish mustard