Back On Track Together
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I did really well after my VSG in Dec 2008 until my gall bladder decided not to play nice. I thew up almost after every meal for about 9 months before I finally got approval via emergency to have it removed. Tricare is super slow about approving anything and our PCS orders moving us out of state did't help. I then had a hysterectomy 4 months later. After both surgeries we bought a house and my husband moved my inlaws in with us. They brought with them an unruly 3 year old. My anxiety was so bad they put me on Effexor for about 6 months. Then one day I decided to step on the scale because my clothes didn't fit. I gained over 30lbs...gasp...I immediately stopped the Effexor since I don't know if it was one of the surgeries or the Effexor. Either way I'm sure my new eating habits from having my extremely unsupportive inlaws living with us didn't help. They fry nearly everything, slather everything with gravy or mayo and always tons of desserts on the counter. I have NO self discipline. Its my own fault and I'm angry with myself for allowing it. I also have a hiatal hernia to which the doctors tell me to eat crackers. So that happened. I then got to the point where this Feb, a year after my hysterectomy I passed out 3 times in one weekend. 1 of those times requiring stitches. They referred me to cardio and neurology, both cleared me. So I'm fighting tricare again to find me a dr that can/will see me for follow up care to run my labs and help me get back on track. Tricare won't pay for a nutritionist. They sent me to a Surgeon that is advertised here on OH but they wanted $500 upfront to join their "program". A fee not covered by my insurance who has told me this fee is illegal as they are contracted and approved for tricare. I should only be paying the $12 copay. I've been trying to find a doctor since we got here. My PCM doesn't have the first clue about WLS so she doesn't know what labs to run or what to tell me. I have to constantly remind her that I can't take this or that. I do know from what little bit of labs that have been run I am Vit D deficient so she did write me a script for that. And as if that isn't enough, I have an ugly confession to make about my vitamins. Its been 2 years since I have taken any. GASP! I know. I'm horrible. My inlaws moved out this past weekend so I'm ready for change but I can't remember much about working the program as I have been off program for so long. I spend the last few days researching what vitamins I need to be taking. So far what I've come up with is:
1x GNC Ultra Mega
2x Equate Calcium Citrate +D3
1x B-12 2500mcg
***1x 50,000units VIT D2*** Perscription
1x Iron
1xVitamin C
1x GNC Ultra Mega
2x Equate Calcium Citrate +D3
1x Biotin 6000 MCG
I just started taking these last night. I haven't had any soda today (yes, I've become dependent on DR. Pepper AGAIN!!!) but I have had 3 cups of coffee to help with the headaches. I did start a MFP account and have started journaling my food but am unsure at this point what my goals should be to get back on track. I've read lots posts but a lot are contradicting and I'm not sure if its because it varies by WLS or what. I've also read that protein shakes are not good this far out and then in the next post I read it is acceptable. I'm don't yet know if I'm interested in any of the jumpstarts or pouch tests as I'm not sure a quick fix is the answer or right for me. I think what I really need is a swift kick in the butt. So if you have read this far and didn't pass out from all the eye rolling, thank you and please don't kick me too hard.
VSG 12/08/08
RNY 11/09/20
Does anyone know of any good tips, to get more water in?
I am slacking in the H2o department and I need to increase it and get it IN!! help
Let me know.

B-none!? vits rushing around had docs appt. excuses, excuses!
L-Bad choice fast food ;-( super hungry because I skipped B.
D-Baked chicken & spinach (back on Track for dinner

S-water, water, I need more water.
Have a good rest of your eve.

I on the other hand made a bad choice for lunch, but it's not the end of the world, my next for dinner will be on target. I ended up messing my lunch up, because I skipped breakfast, so I started badly today, but it's alright. And still got a walk in today too! My schedule was off, I had a docs appt. so that's what through things a little out of wack for me I guess? Yes it honestly did. If I don't do my walk in the am, I can make it in the pm, and that's what I did today. Tomorrow I have to work my p/t gig, so I already know I have to walk in the eve on Friday

B-None, vits only /water I think? not enough
L-fast food/bad choice
D-Baked chicken & spinach

S-water, water, water,
Any Ideas on getting in more water tips??
Feeling very crabby today; but it is all mental. I am not actually hungry and actually feel my pouch being smaller/can accommodate less food. I feel full pretty quickly and that is enhanced as I am eating a lot of roughage/fiber, vegetable protein, whole frui****er, etc. but the head hunger and desire to eat to feel pleasure...its there. I have not given into it - but definitely not making me pleasant to be around today. Very stressful work week and peaking today and no cookie, crackers, bread with butter, or candy to appease and distract me.
Ultimately this is's super hard change back to basics...but good. Helps to just document it here. Part of what is happening is I am feeling more - I am not medicating with food or stress eating or getting momentarily gratification. I feel more emotional. I am acutely aware of some of the feelings my eating barbs and sugar and grazing was helping me avoid. So it feels like when I started this journey around surgery in a minor form...when I really deeply understood my relationship with food and how I must change it. Be disciplined. Understand my limits and the personal gains of making healthy choices, etc. Many years later - I am having to learn this again. Trippy. But - I do have my pouch as a tool. It does work IF I LISTEN TO IT. And I am all ears right now lol
Looking forward to weighing in soon to see how week one impacted me. I think I have lost some water weight for sure so will celebrate if that makes the lbs lost go up...I will take the wins anywhere I can get 'em. I know it takes about 3 weeks for the carb and sugar cravings to subside - just about 1 week in. It's hard - but I am holding my ground and proud of this first small advancement. And grateful my pouch does work (if I don't abuse it).
Signed: Eating cabbage and feeling my feelings....good times...good ;^)
Today is day 2 on Nutrisystem. It went pretty well yesterday. Today's plan is:
B: Nutrisystem D banana muffin
S: 2 plums and walnuts
L: Nutrisystem chicken and salad with fat free dressing
S: reduced fat cheese and an apple
D: Nutrisystem pizza and 1 cup cooked Asian stir fry veggies, 1/2 beef stuffed pepper
S: Jimmy Dean delight, Nutrisystem cheese puffs and Nutrisystem D chocolate cake
Exercise is cleaning for company
Have a great day Tri