Back On Track Together
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Hi Diane,
Well I tried doing the protein shakes again but they make me sick. I can only tolerate them a little in my coffee. I cut my carbs and so far have lost about 7 lbs. It aint easy once you start back with bad habits! Good luck :)
Good evening botts:
I am struggling to stay on track. When I am on my foot too much it still swells up. I am down to 19 units of Lantus insulin but I am eating too much. I have a very strong drive to eat, partly because my BSs are in the 90s a lot of the time. I think my body feels like it needs more food. I am going to drop the insulin to 18 units tonight. It is a month until I can get in to see the diabetic educator. I am up a couple of pounds again. I haven't been under 200 lbs. for 4 years (I think). At that time I had an endoscopy that showed a wide open stoma and a GI series that the doc said everything just flowed through quickly. I know I had thoughts of just giving up and not trying to lose this weight. This year in January I felt it was time for me to get my weight under control. I know if I eat 1600 calories and move more I can lose weight..slowly. My problem is consistency and patience. It is a challenge. I am doing well with calories so far today. Tri
My meal plan today:
B: low carb tortilla, SW egg beaters, rf cheese 300
S: Salad 200
L: chicken, rf cheese and whole wheat roll 400
S: slimfast chips and hard boiled egg 170
D pasta and cheese, Asian vegetables, grilled shrimp 400
S: 2 peaches and chips 220
Hi Karen,
I had my RNY in 2005 and I too had put on about 30 lbs. It took me FOREVER to come to the point where I decided to actually do something about it... but that time is now! I'm down about 20 lbs from my new starting point. (It's been about a month and a half so far).
When did you jump back in, and what changes have you made so far?
Diane Scrivener

It's not just the WEIGHT you LOSE, it's the LIFE you GAIN.
RNY, Mar.2005 | Dr. Muhammed Jawad - Orlando, FL | S.W. 420 lb. - G.W. 160 lb.
Good morning botts:
I am doing well this morning. I moved for 4 hours yesterday: cleaning, shopping and swimming. I took 19 units of Lantus again last night and my FBS is 113 this morning. I bought some Slimfast potato chips because they have 5 gms of fiber and 2 gms of protein. They make me feel fuller. I made Brandigirl's Greek yogurt ranch dip too. What a treat! Tri
Good morning botts:
Today is a new day. I ate too much yesterday and my blood sugars were fine. Is the insulin driving my hunger? Was I finally going to lose another pound? I decided to take 19 units of Lantus last night so that maybe I won't be so driven to eat today. My morning FBS was 143. That is too high, but I don't have to take regular insulin until it is over 150. Maybe it is high because of my eating frenzy last night. I could have exercised rather than going right to bed. Oh well. Today is a new day. I started in on cleaning out the refrigerator and folding a load of laundry this morning. When the gym opened I went to swim and shower. I can only swim 2 lengths when I start or my shoulders get sore. I need to shower before church anyways so it worked into my day easily. I haven't been to the gym since I had the ortho hardware removed from my infected foot. I shopped for 2 1/2 hours this afternoon. Today is a good day to start over. Have a great day today and be strong. Thanks for listening. Tri
My food plan today:
B: Jimmy dean delight 260 calories
S: 2 chicken drumsticks (grilled no skin) 200
L: Mediterranean salad: gyro meat, feta cheese, veggies, oil dressing,olives and a pita 600
D: chicken, tortellini, veggie soup, Greek yogurt 540
S: Slimfast chips 100
Good morning botts
I think I found the perfect amount of Lantis (20) for me. I woke up a little shaky, but my FBS was 99 (perfect). I ate my breakfast and feel fine. Before lunch BS was 101. I read the regain article on the home page this morning. It has some good information. Tri
My meal plan today:
B: Jimmy Dean delight 260
S: salad 200
L: chicken and pasta, 2 plums 550
S: veggie soup and rf cheese quesadilla 250
D: turkey, tomato sauce and quinoa 350
S: chicken, quinoa, nut protein bar, 2 clementines and sf Metamucil (I couldn't stop eating! I finally went to bed) 640
almost 9 years out for me and I and I had about 30lb regain. Cut out the carbs finally and I am down about 7 pounds. I thought I would never have to diet again when I first had surgery and could barely eat but I learned the hard way that it is a lifetime commitment!
Good evening botts:
I hope everyone had a good day. I cleaned for 2 hours today...10 minute intervals and my foot elevated in between. I am still on antibiotics, but it is not infected anymore. I am adjusting my Lantus insulin and am doing well. It is an amasing medication. By the time I get in to the diabetic educator I will have this all figured out by myself. Tri
My food plan today:
B: Jimmy Dean delight 260
S: Salad: veggies, seeds, olive oil 200
L: Grass fed beef and mac and cheese (frozen and processed) 500
S: 80 cal Greek yogurt
D: grilled steak and mac and cheese, veggie soup 550
S: 2 peaches and sf Metamucil 140
If you make insulin carbs will make your body produce insulin when you eat them. That makes you hungry. 15 years ago I asked my doctor to draw an insulin level. Both the long range and short range levels were extremely low and he put me on insulin. I am back on insulin now. I take long acting Lantus at night and it works for 24 hours. Years ago I had to take it 4 times a day because they didn't make this kind of insulin. If I don't get enough carbs then my blood sugar declines and I feel confused and shaky. I have slowly dropped it from 25 units to 20 units trying to find an insulin dose that I don't have to eat extra to elevate my blood sugar. I have an appointment with a diabetic educator the end of August to help me regulate my dose. That must be a great field to go into because they are booked out a month ahead. According to the internet I should be taking 18 units for my weight. I am going to try that tonight and see how things go tomorrow morning.
Good afternoon botts:
I cleaned for 240 minutes 10 minute intervals. All and all I am pretty pain free. So many people have joint pains so I am pretty fortunate. It is going to take time to get my strength back though. I am back to 5 meals today. I am taking less insulin tonight and see if it is better tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day. Tri
My meal plan today:
B: Jimmy dean delight 260
S: salad: lettuce, tomato, cucumber, seeds, olive oil/vinegar and shredded cheese 280
L: Grass fed beef, whole wheat roll, rf cheese slice 480
S: 80 cal. Greek yogurt and clementines 150
D: strip steak, veggie soup, potato 450