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Boredom is one of my biggest challenges so I try to keep as busy as possible - if I'm on the go I tend to make better choices as long as I make sure to keep my pantry stocked with healthy choices

Banded: 9/14/06
Band Removal: 3/15/17
Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!
I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics
on 12/6/16 5:32 am
Having the next 3 days off work will be the true test! This is the time I always find myself with too much time on my hands and end up in the kitchen making poor choices! I'm trying to plan out my meals this morning then heading to grocery store while I still have the right mind set. I usually end up hungry while there and buy all the wrong foods! Today I will be strong and if it is not purchased it will not be as easy to just grab and eat. I am also going to try and just keep myself as busy as possible!! I'm tired from work, I'm sore from work and I want nothing more than to veg out in front of the tv but if I keep moving it isn't as hard as stopping and having to start moving again. Keep moving!
on 12/5/16 4:47 am
Well I made it through another day! I hit a rough patch in the evening at dinner time since I had nothing planned out and husband offered to go get fast food :( I was in a bad mood so I was very close to just saying yes and eating bad. But I didn't!!! I am so proud and happy that I met my first challenge and won :D I work long hours today so it shouldn't be too hard of a day when it come to food choices. But the next 3 will be the TRUE TEST!!! I will be off work and have way too much free time on my hands!! Those days are always the hardest for me! I must keep myself busy and motivated!
on 12/4/16 5:12 am
Did great yesterday! Happy and proud. It's a start. Today will be a much harder day with how my Sunday work schedule is :/ BUT, I'm still determined! And I am just trying to concentrate not only on my goals but on how much BETTER my body feels getting carbs out of it!! The trick today will be 'staying busy'. I know not many people come here anymore but WHEN I use it I feel like I can be more accountable for my choices. And I know EVERYONE who may read this can relate in some way to what I'm going through. We have either all had some form of surgery or at least are/have dealt with weight issues. I have NO ONE in "real life" who I can discuss these things with besides my husband and children :( Unfortunately my 'family' did not approve of my decision to get surgery when I did and 'mock' me for taking the 'easy way out'. Now that I have had some weight regain and struggle as I did before surgery, they are sitting back and smirking with 'I told you so' type of remarks! Needless to say, I have realized I must keep everything weight related to myself now. I am thankful for this community
on 12/3/16 4:59 am
Drinking my coffee getting ready for work. It's a new day and I feel committed to making right food choices today! I normally do feel this way each morning and then, well I don't know what happens. But today-today is the day I go back to what has worked in the past and to what I know is right for my body.
on 12/2/16 12:37 pm
My new work schedule gives me too much free time on my hands! I HATE saying that because I work hard and look forward to a day (or two) of doing nothing! But problem is, when I have this much free time, I EAT!! I eat all day long :( I go to bed stuffed to point of nausea and wake up to do it again. I really don't want to pick up a second job because as I said, I work hard enough and look forward to and need the rest for my body as I age. But I just don't have things to keep my hands, mouth and mind busy enough to keep me from eating too much and often. Does anyone have idea's or suggestions?
Thanks Hala
Glad to report that I am 209 this morning. 2 lbs. down and 10 lbs. to go by the new year. Tri
Hey Tri harder!!
I am glad you read and replied to my post. I am still here, still reaching out, still trying. My determination is strong, but it's begun to waver some. Fortunately I read your reply post this morning because it refocused my thoughts.
I hope you'll keep posting too.
Good to see you posting again.
Have fun.. And 36 days is a lot. That is 5 weeks. If nothing else - 1 lbs a week should be doable. Even on holidays. Or no regain.
One day at a time . one meal at a time.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Good morning botts
I just returned from a wonderful vacation in Europe. They walk and bike a lot and eat more natural and delicious food than we do. Mom and pop cafes serve homemade meals from scratch. I need to learn from them.
On Wed. I bought a 22 lb. turkey for 69c a pound. My husband and I were alone and exhausted on Thanksgiving and started in on our big bird. I plan on using roast turkey to jump start my diet this coming week. I weighed 211 lbs. this morning (oh well). I will get back to the swim and bike workout at my gym. There is always something to clean around the house for exercise too. I made my low fat veggie soup and bought salad fixings and fruit. I have my Santa Fe tortillas and 80 cal. Greek yogurt. I will make my fat free/sugar free cheesecake today. It is time for me to get healthy again. My goal was to get under 200 lbs. this year. 36 days left this year...I will try! I hope some of you can join me too. Tri