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on 12/9/16 9:33 am
I'm always looking for hobbies and often think that finding and making healthy new recipes should be my new hobby! Who doesn't need and want new food choices? I do worry about how much 'sampling' I might do in the process of cooking :/ Especially with new recipes to taste as I make can add up quickly.
I honestly never get bored. I have more projects taht i want to do than I am doing it. but - if I don't feel like doing any "cores": or work - I cook. I find recipes that are great for me and taht my SO can also enjoy and cook. I cook very yummy food.. bake "cookies" and protein snacks for me (no sugar or grain added) Then I portion and freeze (I often use vacuum bags to not get freezer burn or use jars or glass containers)
I bought a large freezer - so I can do that.
i.e. i take 1 cup of almond butter -3 eggs, 1/4 cup of unsweet coconut or almond milk then add 1/2 cup of shredded coconut mixed with 1/4 cup protein powder 1 tsp of baking powder, add stevia to taste and or other flavoring (vanilla or orange ..). if it is too thin - I may add a 1 tsp or so of ground chia seeds or more protein powder.... if it is too thick - I add more water or the "milk" or an extra egg..
I bake that in either muffin pan or shallow muffin top baking sheet.. or if the mixture is thick I bake them as "cookies" on a cookie sheets. ( i.e. i like hrd type cookies - I may add some nuts or more coconut flakes)
Using same concept - but not using stevia or sweet proteins - i add salt - caraway seeds., other spices and made my own "bread like" large muffins.
I make beef or pork or other low carb stews and portion and save for when I just want to reheat my food. Same with meat spaghetti sauce. or making low carb meatloaf or meatballs. Making low carb mushroom sauce- soup - that I can use later to just dump on my meat like someone would canned creamy soup of mushroom (i.e. dump taht on top of chicken and yu have a great chicken in 4 hours in crock pot of in 30 min in a pressure cooker)
the possibilities are endless.
I use many low carb paleo recipes sides - i.e. or "nam nam paleo".. or even eggface blog.
Being on a diet can be fun... get creative.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 12/9/16 5:15 am
I survived the big 3 day's of boredom challenge! Not going to lie yesterday did get a little questionable but pulled through it. Boredom is something I can see is going to be a challenge for me so I need to continue to work on coping skills. Boredom and emotional eating seem to be a common trigger for many of us. I'm sure I/we can share idea's and find ways together to deal with them. On with today. Lots of work so hoping there should be no real issue's with food choices. Not sure on dinner yet, but I have plenty of good choices in fridge.
on 12/8/16 6:35 am
Did good yesterday EVEN through the Christmas party! Stuck to just a salad. Enjoyed the company enough that didn't need to eat pizza or have a drink to have fun (now if I can get this lucky during the "family" and work Christmas party's!). As for today, unfortunately my plans that were going to keep me busy fell through :( So short of a lot of house cleaning that needs to be done before our Christmas party, I have nothing to keep me busy!! Worried? Yes, but honestly I am so happy with how well I have been doing over the past week that I am hoping I won't cave! I WON'T cave is what I mean ;) After my coffee this morning I'm running a few little errands and then coming home turning on some music and let the cleaning/dancing begin!
on 12/7/16 8:22 am
I use my George Foreman grill almost daily! It is fast and easy to grill up some burgers for my husband and myself. I have mine without bun/bread just add some cheese, a pickle, mustard whatever else I have on hand and like while he can put his on a bun if he chooses. He seems happy and I ate a high protein no carb lunch. I have not heard of the instant pot, I will have to look it up! If it is like the crock pot I will love it! If I had to cook my family a different meal than I was having I would have to make it a quick grab and go type meal as well. Eggs made any way are usually pretty easy, but I get tired of egg's very quickly :/
I WISH my husband would eat vegetables! He thinks they're nasty and I have to twist his arm to get him to eat them. I love vegetables, but hate making big complicated healthy meals for just myself. My son is ASD and has texture issues, he will at least try things but is usually unhappy about it. I actually just ordered an Instant Pot because the easier it is to make healthy stuff, the more likely it will be that I'll take the time to cook it and won't just go with the easy solution like pizza or mac n cheese!

Banded: 9/14/06
Band Removal: 3/15/17
Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!
I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics
on 12/7/16 5:26 am
Oh boy that is a hard one! I'm lucky enough that if left up to my husband he would live on vegetables!! Our hardest part is deciding what to cook for dinner. If we are both too unsure we give up and go with take out!! NOT healthy take out typically either :( I recently found someone on IG I follow who eats low carb and eats fast food often. She shows what to order from different places so that your meal is low carb. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it isn't healthy often, but it is at least low carb options for now!
on 12/7/16 5:20 am
Made it through day one of the three day's of hardest challenge!! Woo Woo! Through a roast in the crock pot in the morning so I didn't have to worry about dinner. LOVE the crock pot!! I have had healthy meals planned out and ready in the fridge but came dinner time talked myself out of cooking it :/ But if it is already made in the crock pot it has to be eaten! And I always seem to wake up with the most motivation so crock pots are the way to go for me. Having said that, I need to find more crock pot meal idea's so I'm always looking ;) Today is Christmas lunch party (no doubt pizza my FAVORITE will be served) UGH!!! But I'm hoping to stay strong! Not at a point yet that even in moderation carbs are a good idea! Need a minimum of 2 weeks of carb free eating. And even then, I'm typically a all or nothing kind of person so best to just avoid them as much as possible. Day number two, here I come.
Unfortunately for me, my husband and son are super picky eaters and tend to skew more unhealthy than healthy (I joke that my husband has the dietary desires of your average 10 year, hot dogs, mac n cheese).....which makes keeping junk out of the house extra challenging

Banded: 9/14/06
Band Removal: 3/15/17
Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!
I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics
on 12/7/16 5:14 am
Same thing with me! If it isn't in the house then I can TRY to talk myself out of going out and getting the bad food. Having in the kitchen is just too much of a temptation. And No One needs it so why buy it!