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on 12/18/16 5:01 am
Not sure what the scale will say today. As much as I hope to see it go down, I'm still ok with whatever it reads. I feel better!!! I'm proud of myself for being strong during temptations. I like New Years Resolutions. I know some people don't and I understand. Why wait for New Years, start today. But, I like to set goals at any time and for the last couple of years I have tried to think of then write down 3 goals to work towards for the year. I need to start to think of this years goals. I don't want them too specific, like to drop a certain amount of pounds. But continue to lose weight or limit carb intake would be good enough for me. Probably should add one of them to be begin a fitness routine of some sort as well
on 12/17/16 4:48 am
Well I made it through game night without joining in on the pizza. I just made a couple of bunless burgers with cheese. I don't seem to get tired of eating that, but I do worry for as often as I have it at some point I may. I'm hoping to spend some time tomorrow looking for other quick lunch idea's. I had tried a couple of times to make up a weeks worth of meals into individual containers, but too me it always felt like I was just eating leftovers every day. Something I'm not a fan of. Guess I'll be on Pinterest a good part of the day tomorrow!
on 12/16/16 5:21 am
Each week we try to have a game night were all our adult children and some friends come over. We play cards or board games and we order pizza. I have no intentions of giving up game night of course and not going to turn it into a chore by having to cook or find another food that EVERYONE enjoys since pizza is quick, easy and everyone can agree on. But I am not going to eat it, not yet anyways. Once I get back down to goal weight I will reconsider. I think many pizza places offer salads as well so if they have a chicken salad or something it should be an easy fix to just add an order of that to the normal order and not have it be a major deal. And all the people who come to game night are very supportive of me and stand behind me so they won't try and persuade me to eat differently. Can't say the same for all my girlfriends. One of them is constantly trying to get to 'cheat'. I love her dearly, but wish she didn't do that!
on 12/15/16 5:15 am
Today is typically my day off but I was offered 6 hours to fill in for a co-worker who has to leave early for a Christmas party. I'll take it. Not only extra $ (who couldn't use that this time of the year) but keeps me busy and we all know the issue's I have with getting bored! Plus on a sad note, it will keep my mind off some sadness going on right now. A special needs dog I foster is having some real health issue's and we find out tomorrow if it is treatable or not . Keeping me extra busy right now helps keep my mind from obsessing over the thoughts of him and how tomorrow may end up! So for today, I am thankful for the extra money, keeping my hands busy and for one more day spent with him!
BTW: made hubbies cookies yesterday and didn't even sample a one! And wasn't even tempted.
I am no longer tempted by cookies. but - if I buy them for work (freshly baked) or for BF - they are put away right away. For BF - in bags or containers or in the freezer (he really doesn't eat much sweets) - the ones for work - wrapped in a bag - left in the car overnight..(especially in winter - they will not spoil).
BTW: Honey bought a 1.5 L Irish cream (alcohol) . Before RNY - I used to love it... but that was one of first things app 8 months post op that made me experience the real - full dumping . And I only use some of that on my protein ice cream. Now just looking at the bottle I get a bit queasy... He knows drinks like that are safe in the house... (we still keep it inside a cabinet - out of sight).
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 12/14/16 4:57 am
Still doing well and don't want to mess it up now! But my husband has to take in cookies for work tomorrow. He asked me to make some cookies I "use to" make for Christmas that are a pretty big hit. I'm still feeling pretty strong and confident that I won't give in to any cravings, but I don't know if I really want to temp myself like that. I am considering asking him how he feels about me just buying some for him to take in. At least I won't have to be baking and smelling them all day and I can just go tonight (later the better) pick some up and set them aside out of view! haha We'll see I guess.
on 12/13/16 6:10 am
I understand what you mean about having less pressure when you get to goal. While I was at goal for a couple of years it was nice to not worry so much because by then I understood my weight would fluctuate a few pounds often but always go back to about the same. But then for me something happened that I promised myself would NEVER happen and I still am ashamed that I let happen. I not only got comfortable and too relaxed with my eating I lied to myself. I remember when it started. I started to eat a 'few' sweets. I would nervously get on the scale the next day dreading to see some huge gain in weight and often it would show nothing! What? I ate a whole candy bar and no gain at all? How could this be? Then it happened more and more and too this day it seems odd to me. If I even smell a candy bar today the scale goes up!! I started to lie to myself and think maybe this surgery I had really was some kind of miracle. Maybe it had turned me into one of those people we all know who can naturally eat anything and never gain a pound! It did NOT!!! It CAN NOT!!! But by the time I stopped lying to myself that damage of weight gain was done and now I find myself fighting just as hard (almost) as I had to before I had the surgery! This mistake I won't make again. Bad food choices will always be bad and I will always have to be very aware of what and how much I eat.
Thanks Brandi,
I was up at 3 when I weighed myself. I stayed up for an hour and in that time i drank 24 oz of water. I went back to sleep and slept for two hours. When I woke up again I was down one of the two pounds that I had gained. So I'm hoping if I keep my water high today that tomorrow the weight will come off but boy did that scare me. I don't want to gain. I'm So glad the one pound came off. I can't wait till I'm at goal and I don't have to panic over a pound or two. I can just get back on track till it's off.

on 12/13/16 5:28 am
Let's see how it goes again having all this time on my hands I'm feeling pretty confident. Actually I have felt 'pretty' confident since I decided to take control again over a week ago which is odd to/for me. Day's off with extra time on my hands is my biggest concern. I have to grocery shop today. I typically hate grocery shopping and rush my way through just to get out and be done with it. Today I plan on taking my time! Looking closer at items I have passed by and not given a second thought on. Try new things. Found a few new recipes on Pinterest, as well as on this site so going to get the ingredients for those.
on 12/13/16 5:18 am
No one likes to see the number on the scale go up. And nothing anyone can say can completely make that anger go away. But try to remind yourself that those numbers are not 100 percent accurate! If you KNOW you have been eating right then it is impossible for you to have gained 2 TRUE pounds right? For me, if I eat a bowl of chili or anything really salty, the scale will go up as much as 4 pounds for a day or even at times 2 (talk about a scare)! But then drop back down and often go even lower because my weight was actually going down but the salt caused me to hold water-not pounds. If this makes sense? It's frustrating, we work so hard to see the number on the scale go down! It never seems fair when it goes up and often is just a mystery. But over time I have come to know certain foods/meals do that to me. I don't avoid them, I just prepare myself for it so it isn't such a shock to me. Increasing your water is never a bad idea, but beating yourself up over it when you have done nothing wrong is! Give it a day or even two and see if your body stabilizes.