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on 12/23/16 4:51 am
What types of things motivate you? What inspires you? When things get tough or you start to wonder why you make sacrifices what keeps you going? Looking at your own or others before and after photo's? Shopping for new clothes? Doing new things you have not been able to do in the past due to weight? Or even just coming to this or another site to read and share experiences?
Thank you, I have tried fenegran but it doesn't help much with my stomach. I hate feeling like this. I will be so happy when I'm all healed up. Thank you for your kind words. I have tried the shakes again but they make me sick too. It's too hard on my upset stomach.

on 12/22/16 8:05 am
That is NOT good at all!! I had virtigo once and it was horrible! I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! Wonder if your stomach would tolerate it if you went back on protein shakes? At least then you would be getting in your protein and fluids at same time. I was given a anti-nausea pill (forgot the name but you just let it dissolve under your tongue) and it helped a lot. Hope the Dr. are able to find you relief soon.
Thanks, i have a concussion from an injury at work last april and now I'm suffering nausea and vomiting. It's been especially bad this past two weeks. It feels like motion sickness. I get flushes of it and can't handle anything. I'm barely getting in liquids. I get about 24-48 oz a day that's about it on a bad day. On a good day I can get most of my liquids in. It just depends.

on 12/22/16 7:20 am
Wow! 20 pounds in about a month is crazy lot to lose! Why are you sick? Flu type of sick or WLS related? You are right, you HAVE to eat so eating whatever your body will accept is probably most important right now. Are you able to get in your fluids? Don't let your sickness get so bad you are not getting fluids in! Hope you start feeling better soon so you can get back on track with cutting out the carbs.
I have been sick for more than a week and a half and I've had several days that I've not eaten right. I'm still losing but I'm eating more carbs than I should. I'm basically eating whatever my stomach can handle that day. If that means crackers and broth then that's what I eat. I'm bummed that I'm not losing the way I want to or the way I should because I"m sure I would have lost more weight if I was doing it right but at least I'm losing. I've lost 20 lbs since the thursday before thanksgiving.

on 12/22/16 5:43 am
Time for change. Been carb free for long enough now that I think like it or not, time for me to now start to cut out some of the bad fat's I have been eating. When I'm trying to get carbs and sugar out of my system I don't limit the amount of fatty meats and cheese I eat. I allow it since just cutting carbs is hard enough to deal with. But I feel comfortable enough with dealing with the few cravings I have that I think I need to start to replace fatty choices with healthier leaner ones. This will be equally as difficult. But I know from my own history if I don't the scale will stop going down. Pinterest recipes here I come.
on 12/21/16 4:57 am
Most people consider this hump day because after today they cost down to the weekend. Which is true but when you work weekends Wednesday is just another day of the week. lol Today is first day of winter I try very hard to not let the bitter cold grey days get me down in winter. It can be a struggle fighting off the blues. I try my hardest to be a positive person and I for myself find even if I'm faking it once in a while it does help to keep me from just falling deeper into depression. I have heard exercise is also a big help when it comes to fighting off winter blues, guess I'll have to give that theory a try! haha
on 12/20/16 5:11 am
One of the dreaded Christmas party's down, one to go. Wasn't so bad last night for work party. Menu had a healthy chicken salad and it was great!! Since our party was at a restaurant, we were sitting and I didn't have to mingle around with those I would rather not make small talk with. haha sounds petty right? Day off today and I am hoping to try at least one new recipe out. And decided I need to get husband another gift. He always goes a little over board on me so this year I want to try and surprise him with at least something that he can enjoy instead of just being 'useful'.
on 12/19/16 4:55 am
Down another 3 pounds! That's 8 total over the past 2 weeks! I'll take it. But knowing how my body works, I can expect to lose only about 1/2 pound a week from here on out. Guess it helps the blow knowing it ahead of time. I try not to think too deeply about how long at that rate it will take to get back to goal. I try to just be happy I'm going down or at least not gaining and more importantly, how good I feel. It's not always easy for sure! Who doesn't like to see hard work pay off by watching the scale go down? But it works how it works. Well, Christmas work party tonight ugh! Not my favorite thing (wish I could say it's because of food temp. but not the case). Then one more party with the dreaded 'in-laws'