Back On Track Together
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on 12/30/16 4:46 am
Still need lots of work on portion control. Its much harder than it has been in the past for some reason. I've been doing really well with the types of foods I eat, but have not set limits on the amount. Need to really start to take control over portion sizes. Not looking forward to this. I don't want to start to feel 'deprived' from not eating sweets, carbs and now quantity. Ugh. Wish me luck!
on 12/29/16 5:31 am
I'm going to have to do some research on what type of over the counter's I can take for pain relief. I know I am not allowed NSAIDS so those are out of the question. But between general aging pains, what I'm guessing is the start of arthritis in my hands and a VERY physical job that requires lots of lifting my body is feeling it more and more!! I LOVE my job and hope to never have to give it up, but I do worry just how long my body can continue to do this
on 12/28/16 5:05 am
Do you reward yourself? For big mile stones or every small step in the right direction? New outfit when down a size, a night away after going a month staying on your program, a full body massage maybe when the scale moves the right way or pants start to fit a little looser. I have never been one to reward myself but I do like the thought of doing it! I have always just enjoyed the 'goal' itself. Feeling better, feeling proud of my own choices, feeling more confident! But, rewards sound pretty nice too
on 12/27/16 4:53 am
Finally a day off and I have SO much to do but all I want to do is sleep!! Oh well. Just hope I get some time over the next 3 days to try out my new Instant Pot I got for Christmas . Been looking up idea's on Pinterest and on menu forum on here as well. We'll see if I can figure out the settings and see if I don't end up thinking it is too much of a hassle. haha Wish me luck!
on 12/26/16 4:44 am
One small party left tonight then it's over. I did eat a couple of chocolate snacks due to stress not out of temptations really. Probably worse because of that though. But didn't enjoy them too much, well not enough to start cravings anyways. I think I have more of an issue with carbs making cravings start up again than I do with sugar. Got a Instant Pot for Christmas so looking forward to figuring it out and putting it to use OFTEN I hope!
All of the above.
Plus...When I got heavier - my back hurt much more. Plus eating more carbs and sugars made my my IBS much more challenging to deal with - pain, more pain, cramps, etc.
RNY - I have some negative side effects from it. That I probably will have for ever. So staying thin - shapely thin is one positive aspect. Helps me from totally hating my RNY.
Gaining weight back plus having health issues - would mean that not only I wasted money on WLS but also time and my health.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I just want to wish you all a merry christmas or happy holidays if you are not christian. Have a happy day and wonderful new year.

on 12/25/16 4:46 am
Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas! Hope your day is filled with Love, Family and Happiness.
on 12/24/16 4:42 am
Today is the family gathering I dread each year! You would think that after all these years it wouldn't effect me so much but yet every year as the day approaches I get more and more anxiety over it! It's not just that it's with 'family' members who I don't really care for because I am very good at just smiling and making small talk if I have to. I always have a huge fear over nasty things that I think may get said to me but in honesty they normally always save their comments until I am gone. So why do I stress so much? And more importantly, how can I stop? I don't care what they think of me and I know I have done nothing but be nice to them. They are just different than I am. They enjoy making fun of people (saying it's only a joke so that makes it ok). I don't agree. I think it is mean and in my mind if I don't go around them then they are out of my life enough to not be able to comment. Ugh. I know this is all childish and petty, but sorry it is how I feel and each year I deal with this. Looking forward to the party being over and getting back to not having this on my mind! I wish all of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!