Back On Track Together
Friday, October 18th, Cardio & Cafe
I rarely drink the stuff, just spla**** on my cereal. I normally use the store brand of lactaid. BUT Silk was on sale and I had a coupon. That's the only way I ever venture away from my comfort brands.
Thanks for the tip.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Good morning BOTTs.
I had meetings this morning so this post is later than usual. It's already time for me to go out and make that hill my b*tch again on my lunch break walk! Makes me think of a poster my mom had on my wall when I was a little girl...a picture of a little yellow baby chick with the words above it that read. "Arise, go forth, and CONQUER!"
Breakfast: Protein shake
Snack: 12 raw almonds
Lunch: protein shake
Snack: 12 raw almonds
Dinner: veggie burger wrapped in lettuce and baked beans
Snack: apple and string cheese
Have a great weekend BOTTs.
I'm pretty new here, but I'll chime in! :) Love the accountability.
My goal this weekend is to find my exercise book, so I can start my exercise routine next week. I have a "crick" in my neck today and it is driving me crazy. Tylenol didn't help, but the good news is IT'S FRIDAY!
Here's what I'm eating today:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt with protein granola
Lunch: Tomato Basil soup with Moz String Cheese
Supper: Chicken gumbo (made by an awesome Cajun lady. YUM!)
Emergency snack: 100 cal popcorn (not a great snack protein wise--but I ran out of nuts.)
Drinking at least 64 oz water. Also, I take 4 Optisource chewable vitamins a day, + 2 Calcium chews, + Potassium, Vitamin B complex, Fisol, Slo Fe, and Glucosamine Chondroitin.
Kathy (reaching my goal 10 lbs at a time...)

Lap RNY 4/26/2007