Back On Track Together
10 lbs at a time
Long time, no post for me. Glad to find this group. I'm getting back on track after a ridiculous re-gain after not even reaching my original goal. I've been reading the posts, and a couple of them have stayed on my mind. Especially one about setting and reaching a goal of losing 10 lbs. And then setting and reaching a goal of losing another 10 lbs, and so on until the "big" goal is reached.
I've almost reached my first (re)loss of 10 lbs. Just 0.5 lb to go. And then on to my next goal of 10 lbs to re-lose, and so on.
I kicked it off on 10/7 with the 5 Day Pouch Test. I ordered the book & soup mixes. Love the book, and the soup was good too. I studied and studied and studied the book and planned & shopped for my 5 day menu. I wasn't perfect, but pretty good. Still undecided whether I've damaged my pouch or not with my regain, but I have broken the carb cycle. Hooray!
And I've relearned that I don't need as much food to survive as I had been eating--especially those sneaky carbs. And it's ok to feel a little bit hungry (and in my case it is most likely head-hunger any way!)
Next I need to start exercising again! I have hand weights and a routine that I like (but I haven't managed to find the book I was using yet--excuses, excuses--I've got try harder to find it!)
What I'm eating today:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt with protein granola
Lunch: Turkey & cranberry roll-up
Dinner: Meatloaf & green beans
Emergency snack, if necessary: nuts
And 64 oz (or more) of water throughout the day. Although I'm having a bit of a struggle getting used to not drinking water 30 before and after eating. But I'm working on it and getting more used to it.
Hope to eventually reach my original goal, 10 lbs at a time. :)

Lap RNY 4/26/2007
Hi Kathy.
I'm glad you decided to join us, the more the merrier. I really like the idea of focusing on 10 pounds at a time, it really makes it sound a lot more attainable. After each 10 pound loss, do something extra special for yourself as a non food reward. (As if losing 10 pounds isn't reward enough!!)
Have a great day.
Welcome aboard Kathy! Ten pounds at a time is a wonderful way to set mini goals that are obtainable. When you look at the big picture, it looks like an impossible mountain to climb but in smaller amounts these are just hills to get over. Your food looks great. Congratulations on making it over the first hill. Good luck and welcome to back on track.
Another thing I do that helps is keep a chart of my weight loss. It is very important when I get lost in the day to day, week to week and can't see the progress. When I take a step back and look at the progress it helps get my head straight again..