Back On Track Together
I'm Still Here 😄
I've continued to do really well with my "for life" eating plan. Still losing so I'm still keeping calories around 1200, eating 5 mini meals a day, focusing on protein and non-starchy veggies, a daily fruit, and an occassional high-fiber carb. I try to drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water or decaf, sugar-free beverages a day and take all my vitamins. I recently had to add potassium and magnesium for leg cramps and muscle spasms.
I've had to become and I've learned to enjoy morning exercise. It's great to have it done so life doesn't get in the way, and it doesn't take time away from my young ones. Speaking of them, they just turned 5 and 3 a couple of weeks ago -- they were born 2 years 1 day apart. My son started kindergarten and my daughter started preschool. We've been adjusting to starting our day an hour earlier, and we are working through the separation issues (aka sobbing when I leave them at school, which breaks my heart). Anyway, I go to Zumba Monday and Friday mornings, Zumba Circuit Wednesday and Saturday mornings, get up at 5:00am to do 50 minutes on the treadmill on Tuesdays and Thursdays, treadmill again Saturday and Sunday. I now find I miss it if I can't do it for some reason.
I hit my goal, so I decided to go for another 13 pounds. I was 258 at my highest, hit 155 after RNY in 2006 ( surgeon thought 145 was ideal but my body stuck at 155). Then the fertility treatments, three pregnancies, two babies via c-section, and frankly not following all the rules and not exercising frequently or hard enough and the regain crept up. The regain is gone, I'm back to 155 (5' 5 1/2'') so since I'm still losing and feeling great, I'll see if my body will continue to lose down to 145 (I have no desire to go any lower).
Also, it's a very long story but I am scheduled for surgery on October 24 but with a general surgeon and plastic surgeon 1.5 hours away instead of locally. The general surgeon will repair the hernia I've had for over 5 years since late in pregnancy with my son, take care of adhesions, and look for one or two other possible hernias. Both surgeons will attempt to remove the mesh from a previous hernia repair and fix an unknown bulge at the top of my abs under my breasts (likely the fascia is extremely weak). The PS is very experienced with WLS patients and he was able to get part of it paid by insurance. So I'll be having a full tummy tuck (it's in bad shape after 8 abdominal surgeries), a breast lift (too much weight loss and three years of breast feeding; I was once a DD and all that's left on the inside is about a B's worth) and arms. No lipo needed but he'll remove about four pounds of skin. Good-bye rashes and sharpei skin suit.
I've had many great days, some tough days, some really stressful days, but I've realized that that's just life and I deal with it. Eating poorly never helps. If I eat chocolate or something else, it needs to be a CHOICE, I enjoyi it, it's just a food like any other, and then I continue on. I think I get it.
Anyway, if you made it through this long post, sorry for any typos and thanks so much for reading. I hope to be back to posting daily on Tess' C&C starting tomorrow. After all, what day will if be????? Hump day!
Well hello there, stranger!!!! LOLOL! So glad to hear from you again, and what a message! You are doing GREAT!! and congrats on reaching goal! Congrats on having your PS scheduled, and getting your insurance to pay for a portion. That is a feat in itself. Looks like you do "get it", and I admire your discipline. Your workout week is full, to say the least. I know getting the babes in school and being apart is difficult at first, but believe me, you will come to enjoy that time for yourself, and it will become second nature to them :)
Looking forward to hearing from you frequently again. Your post has inspired me to continue to work diligently towards my goal. Great post, and welcome back!
LOL! The bacon is better than the pork bacon to me now, but it's still a processed meat, and I need to steer clear (or at least eat less of it). I'm quite smitten, but then I've been quite smitten with candy bars and pasta in my past. Gave those up, so I guess the turkey bacon will have to go too....eventually (a girl's gotta have SOME-thing, and since I can't afford diamonds, then turkey bacon is my next choice :)
Thanks for the compliments and well wishes.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Woo Hoo!!!! You are remarkable. Sounds like life has really come together for you. I'm impressed. Isn't it amazing?
Please, please, please make sure you take the time to heal after your would be really easy to push yourself too hard too soon with that schedule and those babies (even if they don't think they're babies anymore).
Post as often as you can.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Jenn, Jenn, Jenn. So good to hear from you! You have and are doing awesome! So excited about your upcoming surgery. I will tell you that my surgeon and ps surgeon could not remove my mesh so they moved it deeper into my abdomen so I should not have any other issues with that particular hernia ever. We are all so proud of you for what you have accomplished and thank you for sharing this with us. I look forward from hearing from you daily. Also, any PS questions you have, hop over to the PS board. I am over there daily reading and answering any questions that I can share with folks about my previous ps surgeries. Happy Hump Day!